United States - centrusdesktop - 2024.01

Centrus Desktop Reference for Windows

Product type
Product family
GeoStan Geocoding Suite
GeoStan Geocoding Suite > Centrus Desktop
Product name
Centrus Desktop
Centrus Desktop Reference for Windows
First publish date
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Centrus Desktop returns match codes that indicate the portions of the address that matched or did not match. If Centrus Desktop could not make a match, the match code begins with E and the remaining digits indicate why the address did not match. The digits do not specifically refer to which address elements did not match, but rather why the address did not match.

The following table contains the match code values. You can find a description of the hex digits for the different match codes in the table following the match code table.

Code Description
Ahhh Same as Shhh, but indicates match to an alias name record or an alternate record.
Chh Street address did not match, but located a street segment based on the input ZIP Code or city.
D00 Matched to a small town with P.O. Box or General Delivery only.
Ghhh Matched to an auxiliary file.
Hhhh House number was changed.
Jhhh Matched to a User Dictionary.
P Successful Reverse APN lookup match.
Qhhh Matched to USPS range records with unique ZIP Codes. CASS rules prohibit altering an input ZIP if it matches a unique ZIP Code value.
Rhhh Matched to a ranged address.
Shhh Matched to USPS data. This is considered the best address match, because it matched directly against the USPS list of addresses. S is returned for a small number of addresses when the matched address has a blank ZIP + 4.
Thhh Matched to a street segment record. Street segment records do not contain ZIP Code information. If you enter a ZIP Code, the application returns the ZIP Code you entered. If the input city and state has only one ZIP Code, the application returns that ZIP Code.
Uhhh Matched to USPS data but cannot resolve the ZIP + 4 code without the firm name or other information. CASS mode returns an E023 (multiple match) error code.
Xhhh Matched to an intersection of two streets, for example, "Clay St & Michigan Ave." The first hex digit refers to the last line information, the second hex digit refers to the first street in the intersection, and the third hex digit refers to the second street in the intersection.

The USPS does not allow intersections as a valid deliverable address.

Yhhh Same as Xhhh, but an alias name record was used for one or both streets.
Z* No address given, but verified the provided ZIP Code.
* Zh may be returned if Correct Last Line is set to True. For more information, see Correct last line match codes and Using correct last line.