Street centroid location codes indicate the Census ID accuracy and the position of the geocode on the returned street segment. A street centroid location code has the following characters.
1st character | Always "C" indicating a location derived from a street segment. |
2nd character | Census ID accuracy based on the search area used to obtain matching Street Segment. |
3rd character | Location of geocode on the returned street segment. |
The following table contains the values and descriptions for the location codes.
Character Position | Code | Description |
2nd Character | B | Block Group accuracy (most accurate). Based on input ZIP Code. |
T | Census Tract accuracy. Based on input ZIP Code. | |
C | Unclassified Census accuracy. Normally accurate to at least the County level. Based on input ZIP Code. | |
F | Unknown Census accuracy. Based on Finance area. | |
P | Unknown Census accuracy. Based on input City. | |
3rd Character | C | Segment Centroid. |
L | Segment low-range end point. | |
H | Segment high-range end point. |