Map Viewer - centrusdesktop - 2024.01

Centrus Desktop Reference for Windows

Product type
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GeoStan Geocoding Suite
GeoStan Geocoding Suite > Centrus Desktop
Product name
Centrus Desktop
Centrus Desktop Reference for Windows
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The Map Viewer displays a geocoded point, with additional information such as streets and county boundaries. You can manually move the point to retrieve information about a different location, or to allow users with local knowledge to place points for locations that Centrus Desktop did not match.

Note: There are no street segments available for mapping when using USPS-only data because USPS-only data does not contain Street data, only Postal information. There are also no street segments available for mapping for Canada.

Using Map Viewer

To use the Map Viewer:

  1. Select Tools > Map Viewer from the menu or click the icon  from the toolbar.
    Note: You can also click Map within Quick Find or Process dialog boxes to display the Map Viewer.
  2. When the Locator window opens, enter the address.
  3. Click either Zoom Street or Zoom City.
    • Zoom Street - Shows the street entered with the address.
    • Zoom City - Shows the city entered with the address.
  4. When the Map Viewer window opens, your entered address is mapped. As seen below:

The map view can be customized using the following options in the Map Viewer window:

Option Icon Description

Redraws the map at the same scale.

Zoom In

Increases the magnification. To zoom in, click the button, then click the map.

You can also define an area to be magnified. Click the Zoom In button, then click and drag the pointer over the map window to define the area to be zoomed.

Zoom Out

Decreases the magnification. To zoom out, click the button, then click the map.


Redraws the map with the selected point at the center of the map window. To center the map on a point, click the button, then click the map at the new point.

Select Allows you to manually place a point on the map. See Geocoding manually with the Map Viewer for more information.
Info Displays information on a street segment. Position the square cursor over a mapped street and click to view information about the street segment.

Opens the Locator dialog box, where you can enter an address or city to locate on the map.

To locate a street, enter the street address, city, state, and ZIP Code (if known). Click Zoom Street to display all street segments in the specified city with a matching street name.

To locate a city, type either the city name and the state abbreviation, or a ZIP Code. Click Zoom City to display the streets in the city or ZIP Code within the map window.

The Zoom Street function does not work correctly if street input includes street type or pre-/post-directionals, such as WEST or PLACE. Enter only the street name in the Street box.


Layers Opens the Layers dialog box. For more information, see Using Layers

Zoom Extent

Allows you to specify one or more spatial layers and zooms the map window to show all features within the specified layers.


Displays the Centrus Desktop online help.


Displays the most recently geocoded location and closes the Map Viewer. If you manually geocoded a point, the Census ID, latitude, and longitude appear in the Results section of the QuickFind or Process dialog box.

Using Layers

To modify layers, from the Map Viewer, click  to open the Centrus - Layers window...

This window allows customization of the layers drawn on the map. By selecting a layer, as in the example above, trade is highlighted. The trade lines, points, labels, and thresholds are available for specification.

Select the desired layer by entering a check mark in the box.

The following options are available in the Centrus - Layers window:

Option Description

Layers (In Drawing Order)

Primary Streets

This category includes nationally and regionally important highways. It consists mainly of US highways, but may include some state highways and county highways that connect cities and larger towns. A road in this category must be hard-surface (concrete or asphalt). It has intersections with other roads, may be divided or undivided, and have multi-lane or single-lane characteristics.

Secondary Streets

This category includes mostly state highways, but may include some county highways that connect smaller towns, subdivisions, and neighborhoods. The roads in this category generally are smaller than roads considered Primary, and must be hard-surface (concrete or asphalt), and are usually undivided with single-lane characteristics. These roads usually have a local name along with a route number and intersect with many other roads and driveways.

Confidence Surface

This displays when using Geographic Determination.

This category produces a confidence surface around a geocode, segment(s), or area.

Note: Additional layers listed are from user imported information.

Up and down arrows

The arrows to the right of the Layers window allow the priority of the drawing order to change.

By selecting a layer, click up or down to move the layer closer to the beginning or the end of the map drawing.

Visibility Threshold

Enter mileage limits using the arrows or enter desired number directly into the field.

Show Label


Select the desired font.


Select the font size.


Select the color of the displayed label.


Line Style

Select line type.
Width Select line width.
Color Select line color.
Fill Style Select line fill.
Color Select line fill color.
Symbol Select the point indicator.
Size Select the point indicator size.
Color Select the point indicator color.
Custom Select alternative point indicator.
... Click to browse for alternative point indicator.
Background Color Changes the background color for the map.
Help Opens the Centrus Desktop User Guide.
Cancel Closes the window.
OK Accepts changes to the layers.

Geocoding manually with the Map Viewer

If Centrus Desktop is unable to match an address, you can assign information to the point manually. This is most useful if you have knowledge of the area or other maps to which you can refer.

To manually geocode addresses with the Map Viewer:

  1. Locate the spot to place the point using the Zoom and Infobuttons, as well as a nearby street whose Census ID and coordinates you wish to assign to the new location.
  2. Click Select, then click and hold on the site to geocode. This anchors the point.
  3. Drag the pointer to the street segment whose Census ID you wish to assign to the new location, creating an attach line between the point to be geocoded and the existing street segment.

    Centrus Desktop assigns the Census ID and coordinates of the selected street segment to the new location. In the message area at the bottom of the screen, the Census ID displays, as well as the side of the street associated with the ID.

    An address that has been manually geocoded displays a location code of M.

Spatial attributes

After you import a shape file into a Spatial attribute layer, you can use QuickFind to view the information, including all potential output fields. You can then decide which fields to use in your processing run.

Spatial attributes do not process special characters. All characters between 31 and 127 on the ASCII standard code page are valid. Other characters are not supported and causes unpredictable behavior for attribute (GSA) data. Examples are:

  • Spanish n with tilde: ñ
  • Long Dash: -
  • Reverse Quote: '
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