Centrus Desktop allows you to control the format of output text files.
To define text file properties:
- Select Text Files from the Select Output File dialog box.
After you select the text file, the Text File Properties dialog box appears.
- Select the Fixed Width option for fixed-width file types. This option disables the
Delimiter Type and Qualifier controls on the dialog box.
Select the Delimited option for delimited file types. This option activates the Delimiter Type and Qualifier controls on the dialog box.
After you click either the Fixed Width or Delimited radio button, the OK button becomes active.
- Select a delimiter type from the options available, or select Other to specify any
other legal character.Note: Some delimiters are: space, quotation marks, period, minus, plus, and underscore.
As you select options in the dialog box, the sample text changes.
Select a Text Qualifier from the drop-down menu. Choices for the Text Qualifier include: none, double quote, and single quote.
Check the First line has field namescheck box and Centrus Desktop performs an additional error check.
As this process of validation occurs, Centrus Desktop compares each field name to the field width, then displays a list of field names which exceed the field width in an error dialog box and halts processing.