You can use the G1G001 executable routine to:
Print customized reports of records from theCODE-1 Plus output files (the CODE-1 Plus output file becomes the G1G001 input file).
Define the record elements to print on the report.
Format the input elements with constant data.
Print multiple 132-character print lines per input record.
Print a main header and a date on your reports.
Print up to three lines of additional header.
Select or reject records to print based on a list code or a mismatch reason code. If you use a mismatch reason code, you also have the option of printing a 20-character reason (derived from the reason code).
Select records by comparing pairs of fields in a single record. if the value of the first field is different from the value of the second field, the record prints.
Include or exclude a specific number of records.
Limit the report to a specific number of pages.