To run G1G001 under UNIX, you must complete three steps:
Edit the /data/samprt.g1prm file.
The /data/samprt.g1prm file contains parameters that you can edit for your G1G001 job.
Source the setup script to setup the CODE-1 Plus environment variables.
The setup script sets all the CODE-1 Plus environment variables. The setup script is in your product $PBC1P\bin directory.
Source the job (samprt) script to setup the G1G001 job variables.
The samprt job script assigns file names to all the G1G001 file variables. You will need to modify the paths, file names, and record lengths for your site. The setup script is in your product $PBC1P\bin.
Execute the rung1g001 script to execute the G1G001 batch driver.
The rung1g001 script executes the G1G001 batch driver. The rung1g001 script is in your product $PBC1P\bin.