STELNK - Code-1_Plus - 5.0

CODE-1 Plus Reference for all Platforms

Product type
Product family
Data Quality - Postals
CODE-1 Plus
Product name
CODE-1 Plus
CODE-1 Plus Reference for all Platforms
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Optional. Use STELNK to activate the SuiteLink processing. To call SuiteLink, the following conditions must be met

  • The SuiteLink parameter must be present.

  • A firm name is present and a valid ZIP Code, ZIP+4 Code, and primary number exist.

  • A match has been made to a high-rise default record.

  • The CODE-1 Plus and SuiteLink databases are current.

Note: iUSPS CASS regulations require SuiteLink processing for CASS certification and to generate the USPS Form 3553 (USPS CASS Summary Report).
Note: iThe FIRMNM parameter is required when you use the STELNK parameter.


Field Name




Required. STELNK is the only acceptable entry.


Suitelink Error Shutdown Indicator

Optional. Specify a code to indicate whether to shut down when SuiteLink reports an error.

  • I — Ignore error and continue to attempt SuiteLink processing. CODE-1 Plus does not generate a USPS Form 3553 (USPS CASS Summary Report) if you specify the value "I".

  • S — Shutdown when SuiteLink reports an error (default). To generate a USPS Form 3553 (USPS CASS Summary Report, specify "S".

  • W — Issue warning message and turn off SuiteLink processing. CODE-1 Plus does not generate a USPS Form 3553 (USPS CASS Summary Report) if you specify the value "W".

  • Blank — Default is S.


Suitelink Memory Model Flag

Required. Specify a code to indicate the size of SuiteLink memory module.

  • P — Pico memory model (no files in memory).

  • U — Micro memory model (no files in memory, only indexes).

  • S — Small memory model (slkhdr, slknormal, slknoise in memory).

  • M — Medium memory model (slknine file also in memory).

  • L — Large memory model (lcd file also in memory).

  • H — Huge memory model (slk file also in memory).

  • Blank — Default is M.


Suitelink Return Code Location

Optional. Location for SuiteLink return code. One of the following codes is stored:

  • A — Business name matched.

  • 00 — Business name not matched.


Suitelink Match Code Location

Optional. Location for SuiteLink match code. One of the following codes is stored:

  • A — Matched.

  • B — Not matched.

  • C — Business name was all noise.

  • D — Highrise default record not found.

  • E — Database is expired.


SuiteLink Fidelity Code Location

Optional. Location for SuiteLink match fidelity. One of the following codes is stored:

  • 1 — Exact match.

  • 2 — Acceptable match (one word not matched).

  • 3 — Unacceptable match (more than one word not matched).

NOTE: You should ignore the Fidelity Code if the Match Code is not 'A'. The Fidelity Code is '0' if the Match Code is B (no match), C (business name consisted entirely of "noise" words), or D (9-digit zip not recognized as a high rise default).


Include/Exclude Secondary

Optional. Specify a code to indicate whether to call SuiteLink without appending the secondary information to the output address line. All other fields, ZIP + 4 value, DPC code, are determined using the secondary information returned by SuiteLink.

  • I — Include secondary information from SuiteLink on the output address line.

  • E — Exclude secondary information from SuiteLink from the output address line.

  • Blank — Defaults to I.


Include/Exclude Extraneous Input Secondary Information

Optional. Specify a code to include or exclude any invalid (extraneous) input secondary information.

  • I — Include the invalid input secondary information.

  • E — Exclude the invalid input secondary information.

  • Blank — Defaults to I.