Private Mailbox Designation (PMB) - Code-1_Plus - 5.0

CODE-1 Plus Reference for all Platforms

Product type
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Data Quality - Postals
CODE-1 Plus
Product name
CODE-1 Plus
CODE-1 Plus Reference for all Platforms
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Commercial Mail Receiving Agents (CMRA) are private companies offering mailbox rental services to individuals and businesses. 

The USPS requires a private mailbox (PMB) designator within the address on mail destined for delivery through a CMRA. The PMB address information is required to exist separately from the delivery address of the CMRA, as shown in the following example address:


If a PMB is present, CODE-1 Plus concatenates the PMB to the Address with Apartment field.


Field Name




Required. SA OUT is the only acceptable entry.


Location for Address Return Code

Optional. Location on the output record for the 1-character address return code. One of the following codes is stored:

  • A — Apartment number missing or not found in database, and an apartment-level match was required.

  • B — Insufficient (or blank) address information for a match.

  • C — The record's probable correctness was higher than the specified maximum.

  • D — Information was dropped during the address match attempt.

  • H — House/Box number not found on this street.

  • L — The returned address was too long to be stored.

  • M — Multiple matches were found.

  • S — Street name not found in ZIP Code.

  • T — The complete standardized address was too long to be stored and there is no location specified in which to store the address with secondary information. This only occurs if you are storing the address without the secondary information.

  • U — Unavailable—auxiliary file processing.

  • Z — ZIP Code was not found on database.

  • Blank — The address match attempt was successful.


Location for Address With Apartment

Required. Location on the output record for the standardized address, including apartment information. Enter a location, "INP", or "INPA" to store the standardized address in the same location as the input address. (INP/INPA are only valid if ADDRDF col. 8 is L or M.) No default.


Length of Address With Apartment

Required. Length of the standardized address with apartment information. No default.


Blank Unused Address Lines

Optional. This option is only allowed when the "INP" or "INPA" option is specified in columns 12-15.

X — Blank out the unused address lines.

Blank — Do not blank out the input address lines.


Storage Conditions — Address With Apartment

Optional. Specify a code to indicate what to store when the standardized address with apartment number is too long or no match was found:

  • I — Store the input address.

  • Blank — Store information indicated in position 72.


Location for Address Without Apartment

Optional. Location on the output file for the standardized address, excluding apartment information. No default.


Length of Address Without Apartment

Optional. Length of the standardized address without apartment information. No default.


Storage Conditions — Address Without Apartment

Optional. Specify a code to indicate whether to store the standardized address without apartment number if the standardized address with apartment has already been stored:

  • X — Store the information anyway.

  • Blank — Store nothing.

NOTE:  If you enter "X," this information is stored even if it is longer than the specified length for the receiving field. If it is too long, the information will be truncated. A return code of "L" will not be stored.


Location for Apartment/PMB

Optional. Location on the output record for the apartment information. Use this output area to store the PMB number when presented separately in secondary input address line. No default.


Length of Apartment/PMB

Optional. Length of the apartment/PMB information on the output record. No default.


Storage Conditions — Apartment/PMB

Optional. Specify a code to indicate what to store in positions 30-32:

  • P — Store PMB number when unable to store in primary address line due to truncation.

  • X — Store the apartment information anyway.

  • Blank — Do not store apartment information if successfully stored in standardized address with apartment.


Location for Address Source Code

Optional. Location on the output record for the 1-character code indicating which input address line CODE-1 Plus used to obtain a standardized address. One of the following codes is stored:

  • M — Both address lines.

  • P — Primary address line only.

  • S — Secondary address line only.

  • Blank — No match was found.


Location for Dropped Information Code

Optional. Location on the output record for the 1-character code indicating the type of information dropped during the standardization process. One of the following codes is stored:

  • A — A street address was dropped in order to obtain a Rural Route/Highway Contract/or PO Box match.

  • R — A Rural Route/Highway Contract/PO Box/General Delivery address was dropped in order to obtain a street address match.

  • W — One or more characters were dropped during the address parsing process.

  • Blank — Either no match was obtained, or no information was dropped.


Location for LACS Indicator

Optional. Location for the Locatable Address Correction Service indicator on the output record. This indicator flags any rural addresses that changed to urban addresses, such as RR 4 BOX 1 changing to 2200 MAIN ST. The next time you process the file, you can identify and process only those records on the ZIP+4 database with rural address changes. One of the following codes is stored:

  • L — Address was LACS converted (changed to an urban address).

  • Blank — Address was not LACS converted (no change).


Alias/Base Return Option

Optional. Code indicating whether or not you want CODE-1 Plus to return the base street name if the input address matched an alias street:

  • Y — Return the base street name.

  • N — Return the alias street name.

  • Blank — Default is N.

NOTE: This option is only used when the alias type code is "O" or "A". No CASS Report is generated if you enter Y. For a CASS-certified configuration, you must enter N.


Location for Alias Return Code

Optional. Location on the output record for the 1-character alias return code. One of the following codes is stored:

  • A — The address matched an alias street.

  • Blank — The address did not match an alias street name.


Location for Alias Type Code

Optional. Location on the output record for the 1-character alias type code. One of the following codes is stored:

  • A — Street record was abbreviated.

  • C — Official street name change (Chamber of Commerce action.

  • O — Street record matched was a USPS "other" alias.

  • P — Street record matched was a USPS "preferred" alias.

  • Blank — Street record matched was not an alias street.


Storage Conditions — Information Dropped

Optional. Specify a code to indicate whether to store the standardized address when information was dropped during the standardization process:

  • X — Do not store if information was dropped.

  • Blank — Store the information anyway.


Maximum Address Correctness

Optional. Maximum acceptable address probability of correctness to store the standardized address. Enter a number between 0 and 9, where 0 indicates the best case and 9 indicates the worst case. Default is 9.


Maximum Overall Correctness

Optional. Maximum acceptable overall probability of correctness to store the standardized address. Enter a number between 0 and 9, where 0 indicates the best case and 9 indicates the worst case. Default is 9.


Location for PMB Return Code

Optional. Location on the output record for the 1-character code indicating the disposition of the PMB number. One of the following codes is stored:

  • A — Appended to standardized address.

  • S — Secondary address input.

  • L — Returned address was too long to be stored.

  • Blank — No PMB found.


Storage Conditions — Multiple Standardized Addresses

Optional. Specify a code to indicate whether to store the standardized address when multiple address matches were found:

  • M — Store the standardized address anyway.

  • Blank — Store the information indicated in position 72.


Storage Conditions — Multiple Zip Code

Optional. Specify a code to indicate whether to store the standardized address when multiple ZIP Code matches were found:

  • M — Store the standardized address anyway.

  • Blank — Store the information indicated in position 72.


Disposition Indicator

Optional. Specify a code to indicate what to store when the standardized address was not stored because no match was found or because of specified storage conditions:

  • B — Store blanks.

  • X — Store nothing.

  • Blank — Default is B.