A multiple match occurs when one part of an input address has the possibility of coding several different ways in CODE-1 Plus. Below are examples of the different types of multiple matches that can be Delivery Point Validated.
Examples of Multiple Matches in CODE-1 Plus
Position |
Field Name |
Description |
1-6 |
Keyword |
Required. DPVIN is the only acceptable entry. |
8 |
Multiple Match Option - ZIP Code and PO Box or Rural Route/Highway Contract Address Type |
Optional. Specify a code to indicate whether to attempt to DPV confirm if your input file contains multiple matches of the ZIP Code and the PO Box or Rural Route/Highway Contract:
10 |
Multiple Match Option - ZIP Code and Street Address Type |
Optional. Specify a code to indicate whether to attempt to DPV confirm if your input file contains multiple matches of the ZIP Code and the street address type:
12 |
Multiple Match Option - Carrier Route |
Optional. Specify a code to indicate whether to attempt to DPV confirm if your input file contains multiple matches of the Carrier Route inCODE-1 Plus:
14 |
Multiple Match Option - Directional |
Optional. Specify a code to indicate whether to attempt to DPV confirm if your input file contains multiple matches of the directional:
16 |
Multiple Match Option - Suffix |
Optional. Specify a code to indicate whether to attempt to DPV confirm if your input file contains multiple matches of the suffix:
18 |
Multiple Match Option - Suffix/Directional Correction |
Optional. Specify a code to indicate whether to attempt to DPV confirm if your input file contains multiple matches of the suffix/directional correction:
20 |
Multiple Match Option - Multiple Input Secondary Components with No Designator |
Optional. Specify a code to indicate whether to attempt to DPV confirm if your input file contains multiple matches of the secondary components with no designator:
NOTE: If you select N, you will generate a non-CASS-certified configuration. No USPS Form 3553 is generated. Below is an example of secondary components with no designator:
#12 and #5 have no indication of being an apartment, PO Box, or other. |
22 |
Unique ZIP/Small Town Default ZIP+4 Assignment Option |
Optional. Indicate whether to attempt to DPV confirm when a unique ZIP Code or a small town default ZIP + 4 has been assigned during regular processing.
24 |
DPV Secondary Address Validation |
Optional. DPV automatically attempts to validate primary and secondary information on input addresses. Then, if no match is made, DPV will attempt to validate using the primary information only. Turning off this option will reduce the number of look-ups to DPV files and may increase processing. Select one of the following:
NOTE: If you select N, you will generate a non-CASS-certified configuration. No USPS Form 3553 is generated. |
26 |
CMRA Lookup |
Optional. Specify a code to indicate whether to determine if an input address is a Commercial Mail Receiving Agency (CMRA).
28 |
PBSA Lookup |
Optional. DPV processing uses the PBSA Table to identify P. O. Box™ Street Addresses (PBSA). PBSA addresses are street addresses that really represent a USPS P. O. Box. Specify a code to indicate whether CODE-1 Plus uses the PBSA Table to return the PBSA result in output.
NOTE: If you specify "Y", you must define a location for the DPV PBSA Flag in positions 32-34 of the DPVOUT parameter (location on the output record for a 1-character code indicating whether this address was found in the PBSA table). |
30 | DNA indicator | A code indicating whether or not to perform a DNA lookup.
32 | Throw Back indicator | A code indicating whether or not to perform a Throw Back lookup.
34 | NSL indicator | A code indicating whether or not to perform a NSL lookup.
36 | NDD indicator | A code indicating whether or not to perform a NDD lookup.
38 | NSR indicator | A code indicating whether or not to perform a NSR lookup.
40 | DPV Drop indicator | A code indicating whether or not to perform a Drop lookup.
52 |
RDI Indicator |
Optional. Specify a code to indicate whether to perform RDI processing.
54 |
DPV File Option |
Required. Specify a code to indicate the DPV file to match against.
56 |
DPV Memory Module Size Indicator |
Required. Specify a code to indicate the size of DPV module.
58 |
CMRA/PMB Conversion Indicator |
Optional. Specify a code to indicate whether to convert secondary information to PMB when the primary address is a CMRA.