CS ZIP - Code-1_Plus - 5.0

CODE-1 Plus Reference for all Platforms

Product type
Product family
Data Quality - Postals
CODE-1 Plus
Product name
CODE-1 Plus
CODE-1 Plus Reference for all Platforms
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Required. Use CS ZIP to define the location, length, and format of the city, state, and ZIP Code in the input record.

Note: iCODE-1 Plus considers a ZIP Code of 00000 to be invalid. If you want to preserve an input ZIP Code that is all zeros, use a MOVE I parameter or an exit routine.


Field Name




Required. CS ZIP is the only acceptable entry.


Format of City/State/ZIP Code

Required. Specify a code to indicate the format of the city/state and ZIP Code information on the input record:

  • A — City/state/ZIP Code are amongst the address lines (position 8 on ADDRDF must be L). If you select this value, your city/state/ZIP must be together in the right-most (last) non-blank address line defined.

  • C — City/state mixed with address lines; ZIP separate.

  • M — City/state together in one field; ZIP in a separate field.

  • S — City, state, and ZIP in three separate fields.

  • X — City/state/ZIP in a single field separate from the address.

  • Blank — No default.


Location of Separate ZIP Code

Optional. Location on the input record for the separate ZIP Code. Cannot be used with option A above. No default.


Format of Separate ZIP Code

Optional. Specify a code to indicate the format of the separate ZIP Code:

  • 9 — ZIP Code is 9 digits binary stored in 4-character format.

  • B — ZIP Code is in 3-character binary format.

  • C — ZIP Code is stored in 5-character format.

  • P — ZIP Code is in a 3-character packed format (the sign digit is ignored so that the start of a 5-character packed 9-digit ZIP+4 Code can be used with this option).

  • Blank — No default.


Location of City, City/State, or City/State/ZIP Code

Required if "M" is entered in position 8. Location on the input record for the field that contains the city, city/state, or city/state/ZIP Code. No default.


Length of City, City/State, or City/State/ZIP Code

Required if "M" is entered in position 8. Length of the city, city/state, or city/state/ZIP field. No default.


Location of Separate State

Optional. Location on the input record for the separate state. No default.


Length of Separate State

Optional. Length of the separate state. No default.


Location for Storage of Extracted ZIP Code

Optional. Location on the output record where the extracted ZIP Code should be stored. If the input ZIP Code field is non-numeric, or is all zeros, then blanks are stored in the location you specify here. No default.


Location of Original ZIP+4 Code

Optional. Location on the input record of the ZIP + 4 add-on code. No default.


Format of Original ZIP+4 Code

Optional. Specify a code to indicate the format of the ZIP + 4 add-on code:

  • C — 4-character format.

  • B — 3-character binary format.

  • P — 3-character packed format (the sign digit is ignored so that the start of a 5-character packed 9-digit ZIP+4 code can be used with this option).

  • Blank — No default.


Location of Original Carrier Route Code

Optional. Location on input record of the carrier route code. No default.


Location of Master File Vintage Date

Optional. Location on the input records of the master file vintage date. This field or the vintage of Master File Literal in positions 50-55 activate Z4CHANGE processing. Specify a location in this field or a date in positions 50-55, but not both. No default.


Format of Master File Vintage Date

Required if a location is specified in positions 44-46; otherwise, optional. Specify a code to indicate the input format of the master file vintage date in the input records. This field is ignored if positions 44-46 are blank. Enter one of the following codes:

  • B — 2-byte binary format YYMM.

  • C — 4-byte character format YYMM.

  • P — 3-byte packed decimal format YYMM.

  • 3 — 3-byte binary format YYYYMM.

  • 6 — 6-byte character format YYYYMM.

  • 4 — 4-byte packed decimal format YYYYMM.

  • Blank — No default.


Master File Literal Date

Optional. Master file vintage date in YYYYMM format. Specify a literal date in this field or a location in positions 44-46, but not both. No default.

Note: iIf you specify a location of original ZIP + 4 CODE and CARRIER ROUTE CODE, CODE-1 Plus tracks the number of times the returned ZIP + 4 Code and carrier code were identical to the originals. These statistics are printed on the Analysis of Matched Records Report.