CS OUT - Code-1_Plus - 5.0

CODE-1 Plus Reference for all Platforms

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Data Quality - Postals
CODE-1 Plus
Product name
CODE-1 Plus
CODE-1 Plus Reference for all Platforms
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Optional. Use CS OUT to define the location in the output record to write the standardized city and state information.

Note: iIf a vanity city name is greater than 13 characters, CODE-1 Plus will not return the input vanity city name if CODE-1 Plus is set up to accept vanity city names. Instead, CODE-1 Plus will return the primary city name or, if the primary city name has a short city name, the primary short city name. The USPS does not store short city names for vanity cities and CASS regulations state that the software must return the primary city name/primary short city name when the input vanity long city name is entered.

Standardized city/state information is formatted to conform to USPS conventions and matched against the master file. Dropped information is data that was present in the input city/state line, but was ignored during the analysis process.


Field Name




Required. CS OUT is the only acceptable entry.


Location for City/State Return Code

Optional. Location on the output record for the 1-character city/state return code. One of the following codes is stored to indicate the reason the output city and state were or were not stored.

  • A — Apartment number missing or not found in database, and an apartment-level match was required.

  • B — Insufficient (or blank) address match information.

  • C — The probable correctness was higher than the specified maximum.

  • D — Information was dropped during the match.

  • H — House/box number not found on street.

  • M — Multiple matches of equal quality were found.

  • P — Primary City/State information returned for input ZIP Code when no match found to database.

  • S — Street name not found in ZIP Code.

  • U — Unavailable—auxiliary file processing.

  • X — The only match was the default record.

  • Z — ZIP Code not found in database.

  • Blank — An output city/state was stored.


Location for City Name

Optional. Location on the output record for the returned city name.


Length of City Name

Optional. Length of the returned city name. No default.


Storage Conditions — Short City Name

Optional. Specify a code to indicate what should be returned, on the output record, in the position pointed to by columns 12-14:

  • I — Return the short city name (regardless if it was the input city name).

  • Blank — Return the standardized city name anyway.


Storage Conditions — No Address Match

Optional. Specify a code to indicate what should be returned when no address match is found:

  • I — Store the input city.

  • X — Return the missing primary city and state for the valid input ZIP Code. Also, return the locality county code for the valid input ZIP Code or valid input city/state. If you specify "X", CODE-1 Plus does not generate a USPS Form 3553 (CASS Summary Report).

  • Z — Return the primary city for the valid input ZIP Code. If you specify "Z", CODE-1 Plus does not generate a USPS Form 3553 (CASS Summary Report).

  • Blank — Store the information indicated in position 72.


Location for Short City Name

Optional. Location on the output record for the 13-character short city name. When no short city name available, ZIP xxxxx will be returned in this output area. No default.


Location for State Abbreviation

Optional. Location on the output record for the 2-character state abbreviation. No default.


Storage Conditions — No State Match

Optional. Specify a code to indicate what should be stored when no state match is found:

  • I — Store the input state abbreviation.

  • Blank — Store the information indicated in position 72.

NOTE: These options are ignored when position 19 contains an I.


Location for Standardized City/state Line

Optional. Location on the output record for the standardized city/state line. Enter a 3-digit location, or "INP" to specify the standardized city/state line should be stored in the same location as the input city/state line. "INP" is only valid if CS ZIP position 8 is C or A. No default.


Length of Standardized City/state Line

Optional. Length of the standardized city/state line. No default.


Format of Standardized City/state Line

Optional. Specify a code to indicate format of the standardized city/state line.

  • 9 — City, state, ZIP Code, and ZIP+4 Code

  • S — City and state only

  • Z — City, state, and 5-digit ZIP Code.

  • Blank — No default.


Location of Standardized Urbanization Name

Optional. Location on the output record for the standardized urbanization name. No default.


Length of Standardized Urbanization Name

Optional. Length of the standardized urbanization name. No default.


Location for USPS County Name

Optional. Location for the 25-character USPS county name on the output record. No default.


Location for USPS FIPS County Code

Optional. Location for the 3-character USPS FIPS county code on the output record. No default.

NOTE: You may want to post the FIPS county code to your record if you plan on handling IN-COUNTY Periodicals Mailings in MailStream Plus. MailStream Plus needs the FIPS county code to determine the county for in and out of county presort coding.


Location for Congressional District

Optional. Location for the 2-character congressional district code on the output record. No default.


Storage Conditions — Preferred Last Line City Name

Optional. Specify a code to indicate whether the preferred last line city name should be stored:

  • C — Store the USPS-preferred City Name from USPS City/State File.

  •  Z — Store the Preferred Last Line City Name from the USPS ZIP+4 File (Override City Name). (Refer to the AM2OUT parameter for a description of the Override City Name.)NOTE: If you select Z, CODE-1 Plus generates a CASS certified configuration and the USPS 3553 Report.

  • P — Store the Primary City Name from the USPS City/State File.

  • Blank — Default is Z.

NOTE: If you select C or P, CODE-1 Plus does not generate a CASS certified configuration and does not generate the USPS 3553 Report.


Storage Conditions — Information Dropped

Optional. Specify a code to indicate whether the standardized city/state line should be stored when information was dropped during the standardization process:

  • X — Do not store if information was dropped.

  • Blank — Store the information anyway.


Maximum Address Correctness

Optional. Maximum acceptable address probability of correctness to store the standardized city/state line. Enter a number between 0 and 9, where 0 indicates the best case and 9 indicates the worst case. Default is 9.


Maximum Overall Correctness

Optional. Maximum acceptable overall probability of correctness to store the standardized city/state line. Enter a number between 0 and 9, where 0 indicates the best case and 9 indicates the worst case. Default is 9.


Storage Conditions — No City Match

Optional. Specify a code to indicate what should be stored when no city name match was found:

  • X — Store the information indicated in position 72.

  • Blank — Store the default city name.


Storage Conditions — Multiple ZIP+4

Optional. Specify a code to indicate whether the standardized city/state line should be stored when multiple ZIP+4 matches were found:

  • M — Store the standardized city/state line anyway.

  • Blank — Store the information indicated in position 72.


Storage Conditions —Multiple Urbanization Name

Optional. Specify a code to indicate whether to store the standardized urbanization name when multiple matches were found on the database.

  • M — Store the standardized urbanization name.

  • Blank — Store the information indicated in position 72.


Storage Conditions — Multiple ZIP Code

Optional. Specify a code to indicate whether the standardized city/state line should be stored when multiple ZIP Code matches were found:

  • M — Store the standardized city/state line anyway.

  • Blank — Store the information indicated in position 72.


Disposition Indicator

Optional. Specify a code to indicate what should be stored in cases where the standardized city/state line was not stored, either because no match was found or due to storage conditions:

  • B — Store blanks.

  • X — Store nothing.

  • Blank — Default is B.