CR OUT - Code-1_Plus - 5.0

CODE-1 Plus Reference for all Platforms

Product type
Product family
Data Quality - Postals
CODE-1 Plus
Product name
CODE-1 Plus
CODE-1 Plus Reference for all Platforms
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Optional. Use CR OUT to identify where to store the carrier route data on the output record.

Note: iThe carrier route is stored in USPS standard format, as defined under positions 12-14 of this parameter.


Field Name




Required. CR OUT is the only acceptable entry.


Location for Carrier Route Return Code

Optional. Location on the output record for the 1-character carrier route return code. One of the following codes is stored:

  • A — Apartment number missing or not found in database, and an apartment-level match was required.

  • B — Insufficient (or blank) address match information.

  • C — The address probable correctness or overall probable correctness was too high.

  • D — Information was dropped.

  • H — House/box number not found on street.

  • L — The standardized address was too long.

  • M — Multiple matches of equal quality were found.

  • N — The carrier route wasn't stored because the processing requirements specified that it was not to be stored.

  • S — Street name not found in ZIP Code.

  • U — Unavailable—auxiliary file processing.

  • Z — ZIP Code not found in database.

  • Blank — The match attempt was successful.


Location for Carrier Route Code

Optional. Location on the output record for the 4-character carrier route code, which is stored in one of the following formats:

  • Bnnn — PO box address

  • Cnnn — Street address

  • Gnnn — General delivery address

  • Hnnn — Highway contract route address

  • Rnnn — Rural route address.

  • Blank — No default.


Storage Conditions — Information Dropped

Optional. Specify a code to indicate whether the carrier route code should be stored in cases in which information was dropped during the match process:

  • X — Do not store the carrier route code.

  • Blank — Store the carrier route code anyway.


Maximum Address Correctness

Optional. Maximum acceptable address probability of correctness to store the carrier route. Enter a number between 0 and 9, where 0 indicates the best case and 9 indicates the worst case. Default is 9.


Maximum Overall Correctness

Optional. Maximum acceptable overall probability of correctness to store the carrier route. Enter a number between 0 and 9, where 0 indicates the best case and 9 indicates the worst case. Default is 9.


Storage Conditions — Multiple Carrier Route

Optional. Specify a code to indicate whether or not the standardized carrier route code should be stored if multiple matching carrier route codes were found:

  • M — Store the returned carrier route code.

  • Blank — Do not store the returned carrier route code. Instead, store the information indicated in position 72.


Storage Conditions — Multiple ZIP Code

Optional. Specify a code to indicate whether the standardized carrier route code should be stored if multiple matching ZIP codes were found:

  • M — Store the returned carrier route code.

  • Blank — Do not store the returned carrier route code. Instead, store the information indicated in position 72.


Disposition for Non-Stored Carrier Route

Optional. Specify a code to indicate what should be stored when the standardized carrier route code was not stored, either because no match was found, or due to storage conditions:

  • B — Store blanks.

  • I — Store carrier route code from the input record.

  • X — Store nothing.

  • Blank — Default is B.