EXTADDR2 is a separate routine that can be called independently of the CODE-1 Plus matcher. The EXT2PARM and EXT2DATA parameters are required to call EXTADDR2. Precisely supplies the EXT2PARM and EXT2DATA parameters as COBOL copybooks with the CODE-1 Plus software. For more information on these copybooks, please refer to Supplied Copybooks. When first calling EXTADDR2:
The entire EXT2PARM copybook structure should be initialized to spaces before being called and not thereafter.
The "Input Types" value should be set to "A " (uppercase "A" and five spaces) and not modified thereafter.
EXT2-ADDR-LINES-GRP, EXT2-P9IADR and the EXT2DATA copybook structure may be modified as desired in between transactions.
Sample COBOL Batch Program
Precisely supplies a sample COBOL batch program, SMPLDRVR2, that demonstrates techniques for calling:
C1PRPT (callable print program)
You can find the source code for the SMPLDRV2 program with the other sample files included with your CODE-1 Plus software.
Special Processing Switches
EXTADDR2 parses the input lines and returns the primary address field, secondary address field, Firm name field, city and state in one field, and the ZIP Code in a separate field.
If you do not need EXTADDR2 to identify the input line that contains the Firm name, set the "Firm Identification Switch" to "S".
If you do not need EXTADDR2 to identify the City, State, and ZIP Code, set the "City/State/ZIP Identification Switch" to "S".
If you do not need EXTADDR2 to identify the Urbanization name, set the "Urbanization Identification Switch" to "S".