G1CPLK-USER-REQUEST-AREA - Code-1_Plus - 5.0

CODE-1 Plus Reference for all Platforms

Product type
Product family
Data Quality - Postals
CODE-1 Plus
Product name
CODE-1 Plus
CODE-1 Plus Reference for all Platforms
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The following table provides a map of the user input call area for G1CPLKx.






This field is required for all G1CPLKx calls, and specifies the command executed by G1CPLKx. Enter one of the following:

  • AH — G1CPLKx returns all the apartments within a specific house range. For each apartment, the results rows display the address, ZIP Code range, apartment number ranges, ZIP Codes, ZIP + 4 Code ranges, carrier route codes, USPS record types, and number of firms. You may execute this command only immediately after an HS command.

  • CM — G1CPLKx returns an alphabetical listing of all the cities within the CODE-1 Plus database. For each city, the results row displays the state abbreviation and the ZIP Code (or range of ZIP Codes) valid for the city.

  • CS — G1CPLKx returns an alphabetical listing of all the cities within the specified state. For each city, the results row displays the state abbreviation state and the ZIP Code (or range of ZIP Codes) valid for the city.

  • CZ — G1CPLKx returns an alphabetical listing of all cities within the specified ZIP Code. For each city, the results row displays the long city names, short city names, and city type.

  • FM — G1CPLKx returns all firms within the specified street. The result rows display the house number ranges, apartment number ranges within a dwelling, the name of the firm located at each apartment/suite, ZIP Codes, ZIP+4 Codes, and carrier route codes. You may execute this command only immediately after an HS or AH command.

  • HS — G1CPLKx returns all the house ranges within the specified street. In addition to even/odd house number ranges, the results rows display ZIP and ZIP+4 Code ranges, carrier routes, number of apartments, and number of firms. You may execute this command only immediately after an SC or SZ command.

  • SC — G1CPLKx returns an alphabetical listing of all the streets within the specified city. For each street, the results rows display directionals (NE, SW, etc.), suffixes (ST, BLVD, etc.), number of houses, number of firms, and ZIP Code ranges. You may execute this command only immediately after a CM or CS command.

  • ZC — G1CPLKx returns all ZIP Codes within a specified city. You may execute this command only immediately after a CM or CS command.

  • SZ — G1CPLKx returns an alphabetical listing of all the streets within the specified ZIP Code. For each street, the results rows display directionals (NE, SW, etc.), suffixes (ST, BLVD, etc.), number of houses, number of firms, and ZIP Code ranges.

  • OPEN — G1CPLKx validates the database version and returns the database "signature" of the CODE-1 Plus database currently in use.

  • QUIT — G1CPLKx closes the database and relinquishes all work areas.

  • * — Use the asterisk (*) to continue searching.

  • BOT — Moves to bottom of current data list — all data positions.

  • TOP — Moves to top of current data list — all data positions.

  • DOWN — Moves down in data at same level (equivalent to *).

  • UP — Moves up in data at same level.

  • BACK — Returns to previous level. NOTE: If you use the BACK command, CS and CZ display the Cities screen, because the Cities screen cannot move back any farther.

  • LOCAT — Generally positions the database inquiry to the first entry that starts with <string>.



  • ALIAS — Displays alias information in G1CPLK-ALIASINFO field. You may execute this command only immediately after an AH or FM command.

  • RIGHT — Scrolls to right of firm/alias name field. You may execute this command only immediately after an HS command.

  • LEFT — Scrolls to original position for firm/alias name field. You may execute this command only immediately after an HS command.



This element specifies the various address components used in the address search for the following commands:

  • CM — Specify the leading characters of a city name. Blanks cause the search to begin from the beginning of the database.

  • CS — Specify the state abbreviation in the first two characters. You can specify the leading characters of a city name.

  • CZ — Specify a ZIP Code.

  • HS — Specify the leading characters of a house range returned in the results.

  • SC — Specify the leading characters of a street name returned in the results.

  • SZ — Specify the leading characters of a street name returned in the results.


2 (x 6)

This field is required for all G1CPLKx calls (except OPEN) and consists of six, 2-byte binary fields. Specify the number of data rows you want returned by the current command. The maximum is 25. You may access additional rows by subsequently invoking G1CPLKx multiple times (using the "*" (asterisk) command). Specify the count desired in the appropriate counter. There is one counter for each of the address elements that can be returned. The counters include the following:  G1CPLKx-MAX-CITIES, G1CPLKx-MAX-STREETS, G1CPLKx-MAX-ZIPS, G1CPLKx-MAX-HOUSES, G1CPLKx-MAX-APTS, and G1CPLKx-MAX-FIRMS. Populate the desired counter with a value and clear out the rest.



Specify the occurrence of data to be used for browsing further into the database. For example,"02" for second city name to be used for a street lookup.
