To download and install your CODE-1 Plus software, follow these steps:
Download the software via the estore. You will receive an automatic notification via email with special links to the CODE-1 Plus release for supported platforms. Click on the desired link and follow the instructions carefully in the FAQ section of the email to complete the download. Backup media may be ordered for a fee. New users to the estore will need to establish a new estore account for the first download transaction.
Download the CODE-1 Plus software files.
Unzip the .exe or .zip file to extract the installation files.
Follow the steps below to FTP the IDSINSTL JCL to the mainframe:
Use the following file transfer settings:
EBCDIC - Translate to EBCDIC; the file is sent in ASCII format
NOCRLF - No Carriage Return/Line Feed
RECFM - FB (fixed-block)
BLKSIZE - 1600 or the blocksize of the receiving library
LRECL - 80
With your company's file transfer protocol set to ASCII, upload IDSINSTL JCL to the mainframe.
Customize the IDSINSTL JCL.
Customize the IDSINSTL as needed for your site requirements. Variables that you supply appear in lowercase (see the Variable Replacement Table in the IDSINSTL JCL).
Run the IDSINSTL Job.
To run the install job, submit the job and check the return codes. The job should complete with zero return codes.
Note: Running the IDSINSTL install deletes all files associated with the installation of the product so it is important to create backups first. -
Load the License Management Key (if applicable).
Load the Required Product Database Files (if any)
At this point, you will load your new or updated database file(s). Please see Installing the Databases for more information.
Run the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP).
Run the IVPFILE JCL member to ensure that the batch load modules function properly. The IVP job "exercises" a large number of programs in the system, so you can be sure that the verification process is comprehensive. Be sure to add the LE run time library reference to your steplib concatenation.
Configure/Test CICS (if applicable)
If your product has a CICS component to install, please refer to Configuring CICS. CICS must be configured as part of the installation process if you wish to use the Interactive System.
Please see Installing the Databases for instructions for loading a database downloaded from the Precisely website.