After installing the software and database(s), run the verification procedures to ensure that everything works properly.
Issue the appropriate source command to set up the environment:
. bin/setup for Bourne shells
source bin/setup.csh for C shell scripts.
You must issue this command every time you establish a new environment by either logging in or exiting the shell in which the source command was issued. Normally, you do this as soon as you have logged on so all subshells you create have the product environment variables defined. Precisely recommends that you add the source command to your *.profile or *.cshrc file. However, this is optional. During the product installation process, the various environment scripts needed to run CODE-1 Plus are customized for your hardware and software environment. These environment scripts include:
setup.csh (for C shell)
On rare occasions, you may need to modify these scripts after CODE-1 Plus has been installed. However, most scripts do not need to be modified. If there is a need to modify these scripts, refer to the following list of environment variables that can be changed for each script name listed.
Make the product license keys available.
The product licenses must be available before running the sample job. If you have a prior installation area where there are valid license files (found in c1p/data), and the product has been tracked by the product registration file found in the old /var/group1 area, the installation process copies the existing license files from the current area to the new install area. This only occurs if you are installing into a production installation area. The existing license files will NOT be copied for test areas.
If you have a current installation but have NOT used the /var/group1 product registration area, you must copy the current license files to the new installation area. The two license files (g1lmlic and g1lmlic.vix) can be found in the current c1p/data subdirectory.
CODE-1 Plus no longer includes a License Management process as part of the installation process. You must run the license management process after completing the software installation. License Management files must be present, active, and validated before running any CODE-1 Plus job.
If applicable, enter the 45-day access keys using the accesskeys script.
If this is a first-time installation and you have obtained temporary access keys from Precisely, you may enter these keys to provide you with 45 days of CODE-1 Plus processing before you obtain your permanent keys. To install the temporary access keys:
Change directories (cd) to the $PBDIR/c1p/bin area.
Source the setup script.
Run the accesskeys script. The accesskeys script will request one required key for CODE-1 Plus. After entering the key, you may proceed to run the sample job, assuming the database files have also been installed as mentioned above.
Product Environment Variables - setup or setup.csh
Variable |
Refers to |
Type of OS (for example, AIX, SOLARIS, LINUX). |
Root path to where CODE-1 Plus is installed. |
Full path to where CODE-1 Plus is installed. |
Full path where the CODE-1 Plus database is located. This variable is modified in the setup and setup.csh script under the $PBDIR/C1P/bin directory. This environment variable is used by the product batch drivers and sample programs. |
COBOL Environment Variables - setup or setup.csh
Variable |
Refers to |
Full path to the location of the COBOL runtime directories. |
Full path to the location of the Precisely programs. |
The COBOL bin directory should be added to the path. |
Used for UNIX/Linux SVR4 system only. Add $PBC1PRTS/lib to the existing LD_LIBRARY_PATH. |
Used for HP-UX systems only. Add $PBC1PRTS/lib to the existing SHLIB_PATH. |
Used for AIX systems only. Add $PBC1PRTS/lib to the existing LIBPATH. |
Product Environment Variable - setmedia
Variable |
Refers to |
Full path to the location of the database files. Typically points to the local directory where the raw input database files are located; however, the path can be modified to point to an NFS mount or directory where the input files are located on a remote device. |
Issue the appropriate source command to set up the environment:
. ./setup
Set up the verification job (sample) environment variables by sourcing the sample job. Type the following product verification command.
. ./sample
Submit the IVP or sample job by typing the following command.
The IVP/sample job runs in the background and takes up to 10 minutes to complete. You may monitor its progress using the ps command (ps -ef | grep sample | grep -v grep or for IVP jobs, ps-ef | grep ivp.job | grep -v grep) or by running the chkrun script found in the product bin subdirectory.
Verify that the job executed properly by running the script bin/chkrun or look at the sample log file created in $PBDIR/C1P/data.
You have successfully installed your software. You can use the IVP or sample jobs supplied by Precisely as templates for your own jobs. Please refer to your CODE-1 Plus documentation for instructions on setting up and running your first job.