To install product updates (also called "patches"), downloaded from the Precisely estore, follow these steps.
Configure your file transfer utility.
Before uploading the JCL from the PC to the mainframe, use the following settings to configure your installation-approved file transfer utility.
ASCII - file is provided in ASCII format
CRLF - Carriage Return/Line Feed
RECFM - FB (fixed-block)
LRECL - 80
Upload IMSPATCH JCL member.
Use your site's file transfer utility to upload the IMS PRODUCT UPDATE JCL member, IMSPATCH, to a location on your mainframe where it can be edited.
Determine if IMSPATCH is suitable for your site.
Review the IMSPATCH JCL member to determine if you need to substitute or remove the FTP step from the job. If you are substituting another utility, or removing the step and using an interactive file transfer, be sure to use the following file transfer settings for the .OBJ file:
BINARY - Binary transfer (the file is provided in EBCDIC format)
NOCRLF - No Carriage Return/Line Feed
RECFM - FB (fixed-block)
BLKSIZE - 1600
LRECL - 80
Customize the IMSPATCH JCL member.
The IMSPATCH member contains a list of variables, enclosed in a "flower box," at the start of the member. Review the variable requirements in the JCL member and follow the directions contained within.
Run the IMSPATCH JCL member.
After you perform the customization, submit the job. The job should complete with zero return codes.
Test the product update.
If the product update was for the batch component of any Precisely product, run the IVPFILE provided with the original software or any existing job at your site to ensure that the batch load modules function properly. The IVPFILE job "exercises" a large number of programs in the system, so you can be sure that the verification process is comprehensive.
We highly recommend that you run this procedure before going on to the next step.
Note: If you call Precisely programs from your applications statically, we suggest that you re-compile your programs at this point to pick up the new modules. -
Implement the Product Update
After you test the new TEST load library and are satisfied with the results, you may copy the TEST libraries into production.
You may use IECOPY or ISPF (or any other valid utility) to copy the TEST load and TEST object libraries into your respective production libraries. It is important that you use the replace option with either method.