Precisely delivers software releases in a compressed format as a self-extracting .zip or .exe files. This file includes:
IDSINSTL.JCL, which is used to upload and install your new software release.
Installation JCL and the LE Runtime Option Macro in effect for this product. The $$READIN member will contain an index of all the members in the install library.
Load the file containing load modules (available for only some products. You can check your download for a file named pppCMS.LOAD).
Object file(s) containing the software (*.OBJ files).
MFS — Message Format Service Source.
PSB — Program Specification Blocks Source.
DBD — Database Definition Source.
Input data file for the installation verification procedure.
(Optional) SAMPLE library containing sample JCL, programs, copybooks, and text files. The $$READSM member will contain an index of all the members in the optional sample library.
A temporary license management key (if applicable).
Other files that may be pertinent to your release (*.DAT files).