After completing the product installation, the Installation Complete screen (G1INST999) displays.
Press Enter to exit the install program.
You may review the G1UILOG spool file. The G1UILOG is a log of steps taken by the install program. Below is an example of a G1UILOG from an overlay install of the software with comments:
20xx-05-30-14.37.37 G1UI *PGM G1UI *PGM started
The initial authority check ensures that you have *SECADM or *SECOFR special authorities in your profile for performing an install.
20xx-05-30-14.37.37 G1UI *PGM Checking user's authority
The install source is examined.
20xx-05-30-14.37.47 G1UI *PGM Source=save file library QTEMP
20xx-05-30-14.37.47 G1UI *PGM Examining media
20xx-05-30-14.37.47 RtvLbl Retrieving labels from save file library C1050G9PG
Next, the SCR200 screen displays.
20xx-05-30-14.37.47 G1UI *PGM Req prod to inst (SCR200)
Processing the list of products from SCR200 begins.
20xx-05-30-14.38.13 G1UI *PGM Processing install queue
The first product installed was the global library, so SCR300 is displayed, then SCR400.
20xx-05-30-14.38.13 SRC300 Req Global options (SCR300)
20xx-05-30-14.38.43 SCR400 Req prod inst opts (SCR400)
After you press F6 on the SCR400, work begins. First, some notes appear about what we are installing, and where the backup copy is going.
20xx-05-30-14.40.46 InstPrd Starting install of @@ version XX.XM00
20xx-05-30-14.40.46 InstPrd -Installing to library ZM@@PGMS
20xx-05-30-14.40.46 InstPrd -Overlaying XX.XM00
20xx-05-30-14.40.46 InstPrd -Old library will b renamed G103053001
The global library special options are performed.
20xx-05-30-14.40.46 PreInstGlb Start of Global pre-processing
20xx-05-30-14.40.46 PreInstGlb Creating GROUP1USER *USRPRF
Before attempting to install, check for locks on the existing library.
20xx-05-30-14.40.47 ChkLibLck Checking for locks on library ZM@@PGMS
Install the new library.
20xx-05-30-14.40.47 InstPrdUpd Renaming ZM@@PGMS to G103053001
20xx-05-30-14.40.48 InstPrdUpd Restoring product library
20xx-05-30-14.40.48 RstPrd Restoring library for @@
20xx-05-30-14.40.52 InstPrdUpd Merging objects from old library
Update the various data areas that track where products are installed, their version, and install dates.
20xx-05-30-14.40.58 InstPrdUpd Processing data areas
20xx-05-30-14.40.58 PrcDtaAra Reading G0@@PG *DTAARA
20xx-05-30-14.40.58 PrcDtaAra Updating G1@@PG *DTAARA
Now the rest of the global library options can be performed.
20xx-05-30-14.40.58 PstInstGlb Start of Global post-processing
20xx-05-30-14.40.58 PstInstGlb Changing GROUP1USER *USRPRF INLPGM to G1MM00
20xx-05-30-14.40.58 PstInstGlb Granting GROUP1USER *USRPRF *USE authority to CHG
20xx-05-30-14.40.58 PstInstGlb Adding Directory Entry for GROUP1USER *USRPRF
The C1RUNJOB and C1SBMJOB commands must be updated during an install.
20xx-05-30-14.40.59 UpdCmd Updating C1SBMJOB/C1RUNJOB *CMDs
And the global library completes.
20xx-05-30-14.40.59 InstPrd Installation of @@ has completed.
You return to screen SCR400 to get options for the product install in this example. Follow the same steps, with the exception of the global library special options.
20xx-05-30-14.40.59 SCR400 Req prod inst opts (SCR400)
20xx-05-30-14.41.29 InstPrd Starting install of G9 version 05.0M00
20xx-05-30-14.41.29 InstPrd -Installing to library ZMG9PGMS
20xx-05-30-14.41.29 InstPrd -Overlaying 05.0M00
20xx-05-30-14.41.29 InstPrd -Old library will be renamed G103053002
20xx-05-30-14.41.29 InstPrd -Associated with global library ZM@@PGMS
20xx-05-30-14.41.29 ChkLibLck Checking for locks on library ZMG9PGMS
20xx-05-30-14.41.29 InstPrdUpd Renaming ZMG9PGMS to G103053002
20xx-05-30-14.41.30 InstPrdUpd Restoring product library
20xx-05-30-14.41.30 RstPrd Restoring library for G9
20xx-05-30-14.41.36 InstPrdUpd Merging objects from old library
20xx-05-30-14.47.29 InstPrdUpd Processing data areas
20xx-05-30-14.47.29 PrcDtaAra Copying G1@@PG *DTAARA
20xx-05-30-14.47.29 PrcDtaAra -Deleting old G1@@PG *DTAARA
20xx-05-30-14.47.29 PrcDtaAra Reading G0G9PG *DTAARA
20xx-05-30-14.47.30 PrcDtaAra Updating G1G9PG *DTAARA
20xx-05-30-14.47.30 InstPrdUpd Forwarding from previous release
20xx-05-30-14.47.30 UpdCmd Updating C1SBMJOB/C1RUNJOB *CMDs
This product has an IVP and you are installing it:
20xx-05-30-14.47.30 InstPrd Installing IVP job
And C1 is complete.
20xx-05-30-14.47.34 InstPrd Installation of C1 has completed.
That's it!
20xx-05-30-14.47.37 G1UI *PGM G1UI *PGM ended normally