Control Totals Report - Code-1_Plus - 5.0

CODE-1 Plus Guide for IBM i

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Data Quality - Postals
CODE-1 Plus
Product name
CODE-1 Plus
CODE-1 Plus Guide for IBM i
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The Control Totals Report shows you statistics about processed, matched, and unmatched records for a job. This report is printed automatically when your job is run, unless you type an "X" in position 50 of the EXITOP parameter. If you need to contact Precisely Technical Support about a problem with any of your jobs, please have this report handy for reference. Numbers and percentages are listed for the following:

  • Records Processed — The number of records that were processed from your input file.

  • Valid Format ZIP Code Presented — The number of records processed that contained 5-digit ZIP Codes in valid format. 5-digit ZIP Codes in valid format consist of numeric, non-zero data.

  • Zero Or Non-numeric ZIP+4 Codes Presented — The number of records processed that contained zeros or non-numeric data in the ZIP+4 field.

  • Valid Format ZIP+4 Code Presented — The number of records processed that contained 9-digit ZIP+4 Codes in valid format. 9-digit ZIP Codes in valid format consist of numeric, non-zero data.

  • Valid Format DPC Values Presented — The number of records processed that contained 2-digit DPC add-on codes in valid format.

  • Invalid Carrier Route Codes Presented — The number of records processed that contained a 4-digit Carrier Route Code in invalid format.

  • Valid Carrier Route Codes Presented — The number of records processed that contained a 4-digit Carrier Route Code in valid format.

  • Records Not Matching Master File, Invalid Input — The number of records that were not successfully matched against the Line of Travel Master File, due to invalid input. Records with invalid input contain zeroes or non-numeric data in the ZIP and/or ZIP+4 Code field, or a non-numeric DPC or invalid Carrier Route Code format.

  • Records Not Matching Master File, Default Coded — The number of records processed that did not match the Line of Travel Master file, but contained valid input. These records were default coded, which means the LOT code is four zeroes followed by a descending flag (0000D). Please note that default-coded records do qualify for the basic enhanced carrier route rate.

  • Records Matching LOT Master File — The number of records processed that contained valid input and were successfully matched against the Line of Travel Master File.

  • Line of Travel Codes Determined — The number of records processed that were LOT coded. This number is equal to number of records matching at the ZIP+4 Code level plus the number of records that were default coded.

  • LOT Numbers with Ascending Sequence Codes — The number of LOT numbers that are followed by an ascending (A) flag.

  • LOT Numbers with Descending Sequence Codes — The number of LOT numbers returned that are followed by a descending (D) flag.

  • Alternate DPC Sequence Codes Determined — The number of records processed for which alternate DPC sequence codes were determined. Please note that LTO60 returns an alternate sequence code only if positions 37-44 of the EXITOP parameter are not blank.

The following is an example of the Control Totals Report.

Line of Travel Option          LTO60: Control Totals                        2/13/2013

Line of Travel Option Master File Version:  February 2013
Total Records Presented To Processing Logic    5,890
  Records Processed                           5,890   100.00% of Total Records
  Valid Format ZIP Code Presented             5,890   100.00% of Records Processed
  Zero Or Non-numeric ZIP+4 Codes Presented     884    10.11% of Records Processed
  Valid Format ZIP+4 Code Presented           5,006    84.99% of Records Processed
  Non-numeric DPC Values Presented              884    15.01% of Records Processed
  Valid Format DPC Values Presented           5,006    84.99% of Records Processed
  Invalid Carrier Route Codes Presented         868    14.74% of Records Processed
  Valid Carrier Route Codes Presented         5,022    85.26% of Records Processed

Line of Travel Matching Attempts               5,890
  Records Not Matching Master File, Invalid Input       868   14.74% of Matching Attempts
   Records Not Matching Master File, Default Coded      319    5.42% of Matching Attempts
   Records Matching Line of Travel Master File        4,703   79.85% of Matching Attempts

Line Of Travel Codes Determined                5,022
   LOT Numbers with Ascending Sequence Codes  3,308    65.87% of LOT Numbers
   LOT Numbers with Descending Sequence Codes 4,703    34.13% of LOT Numbers

Alternate DPC Sequence Codes Determined        5,022   100.00% of LOT Coded Records

Line of Travel Option          LTO60: Control Totals                         2/13/2013