You can use the Confirmation Options/LACSLink Processing screen (C1CPID50) to activate LACSLink processing.
Field Name |
Format |
Description |
Comments |
LACSLink Processing Type |
Blank or Z |
The type of LACSLink processing to be performed: Z Perform the ZIP + 4 coding process and only call LACSLink if the ZIP + 4 process returns a LACS indicator. |
Required. No default. |
LACSLink Seed Record treatment |
S or W |
This option allows LACSLink to stop batch jobs when a false-positive (seed record) has been encountered: S Shuts down CODE-1 Plus processing when a false-positive (seed record) is encountered. W Allows CODE-1 Plus to continue processing to completion of the entire job, generating Form 3553. |
Required. Default is W. |
LACSLink Alternate Option |
L or F |
This field allows you to specify if you want to perform alternated LACSLink processing. R Perform LACSLink processing. L Invoke limited LACSLink subsystem processing. Provides the CODE-1 Plus non-LACS converted street address, city, and state data to the output standardized address and parsed elements fields. |
LACSLink Suppress 99 Return Code |
Y or N |
This option allows you to specify whether to produce a "99" return code for LACS seed record processing. Y Do not produce "99" return code for LACS seed record processing. N LACS seed record processing results in "99" return code. Note:
NOTE: An "S" in "LACSLink Seed Record treatment" overrides this
Memory Model |
P, U, S, M, L, or H |
This option allows you to specify size of LACSLink module. Blank LACS process will be using Medium memory model (default). P Pico memory model (no files in memory). U Micro memory model (no files in memory, only indexes). S Small memory model (Rv9 expansion in memory). M Medium memory model. L Large memory model. H Huge memory model (all files in memory). |
Required |