This example describes the steps to create a job using an existing library:
Named DEMO
Using the work library C1WORKLIB
Using the product install library G1C1PGMS
Created from parameters FTP'd into the file MYLIB/PARMFILE member PARMMBR
This example assumes the library MYLIB already exists.
- Run the commands ADDLIBLE LIB(G1C1PGMS) and ADDLIBLE LIB(G1@@PGMS).
- CALL G1MM01 and select option 5: CODE-1 Plus Name/Address Coding System and verify that the job DEMO does not appear in the list.
- Run the command:
- FTP parameters into MYLIB/PARMFILE member PARMMBR.
- Run the IMPJOBC1P command.
- Verify the results of the import. In this case, you would use:
Use option 5 to display the contents of the members.
- Run the job.
CALL G1MM01 and select option 5: CODE-1 Plus Name/Address Coding System.
Use option 16 next to the job "DEMO" or use the commands C1RUNJOB or C1SBMJOB to run or submit the job. For example: