To execute the C1RUNJOB command interactively:
Position your cursor on the command line.
Type C1RUNJOB, and press F4. The Run CODE-1 Plus Job (C1RUNJOB) screen displays.
The initial C1RUNJOB screen displays three columns.
The first column lists the field and parameter selections available in C1RUNJOB.
The second column provides entry fields for all parameter definitions.
The third column lists all valid values or valid value types for each field.
Press F11 to display the keywords for your parameter selections. The keywords provide an alternative method for typing commands and parameters.
Complete the entries on this screen. When you use C1RUNJOB:
You must specify the Job ID to execute.
If you specify *SAME for any output file, library, member name, or exit routine name,CODE-1 Plus uses either the value specified in your most recent job submission or the default values.
Page down to see additional C1RUNJOB selections.
Use the instructions for completing the first screen to complete the second screen with valid entries for your job.
Page down to see additional C1RUNJOB selections.
Complete the fields on the third C1RUNJOB screen with valid entries for your job.
Page down to see additional C1RUNJOB selections.
Complete the fields on the fourth C1RUNJOB screen with valid entries for your job.
Page down to see additional C1RUNJOB selections.
Complete the fields on the fifth C1RUNJOB screen with valid entries for your job.
Page down to see additional C1RUNJOB selections.
Complete the fields on the sixth C1RUNJOB screen with valid entries for your job.
Press Enter to run your job using your specified parameters.