Submit CODE-1 Plus Job Screen 6 (C1CPSB06) - Code-1_Plus - 5.0

CODE-1 Plus Guide for IBM i

Product type
Product family
Data Quality - Postals
CODE-1 Plus
Product name
CODE-1 Plus
CODE-1 Plus Guide for IBM i
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The sixth Submit CODE-1 Plus Job screen allows you to define a portion of the input name-and-address file to process.

Field Name




Low ZIP Code

5 alphanumeric digits

The lowest ZIP Code that should be processed. Records with lower ZIP Codes will be bypassed.

Optional. No default.

High ZIP Code

5 alphanumeric digits

The highest ZIP Code that should be processed.  The first record with a higher ZIP Code will be treated as the End of File record.

Optional. No default.

Records to Skip

1 to 7 numeric digits

The number of records that should be ignored at the beginning of the input name-and-address file before any records are processed.

Optional. No default.

Decimal fraction

1 decimal point followed by 1 to 7 numeric digits

A decimal number indicating the portion of the records in the file that should be processed. CODE-1 Plus will multiply this decimal number by the total number of records in the file to obtain the number of records that should be processed. Those records selected for processing will be evenly distributed throughout the input file.

Optional. No default.

Record limit

1 to 7 numeric digits

The maximum total number of records that may be processed for this job.

Optional. No default.

Sampling Method 1 — Including or Excluding Nth Number of Input Records

Nth number of records to process

Numeric digits from 002 to 999.

The nth number of records the you want to either include or exclude from the input records to be read.

Required if you do not use Sampling Method 2.No default.

Include/Exclude Option


A code indicating whether to include or exclude the specified nth number of input records for processing:

INC   Include the nth number of input records.

EXC   Exclude the nth number of input records.

Required if you do not use Sampling Method 2.No default.

Sampling Method 2 — Selecting a Fraction of Input Records

Fraction of Records

A 7-byte numeric digit

A 7-digit positive number specifying the fraction of total input records to process. A decimal point is implied before the first digit.

Required if you do not use Sampling Method 1.No default.