Your final task is to submit the job. To do this, you have to verify your input and output files. Your input and output files should be defined as follows:
Input File
C1TUTOR in library DEMO, member *FIRST.
Output Files
C1NAMTUTOR in library DEMO, member CODED
C1NAMTUTOR in library DEMO, member UNCODED
C1NAMTUTOR in library DEMO, member INVZIP
For demonstration purposes, you will also limit processing to only those records with ZIP Codes between 20000 and 39999. To access the Submit Batch Job component, follow the steps below.
Start at the Define/Submit CODE-1 Plus Job screen.
In order to access the Submit Batch Job screen, type 2 in the Opt field next to Submit Batch Job, and press Enter. The first Submit CODE-1 Plus Job screen (C1CPSB01) appears, with the fields filled in as entered on the Create New Job screen (C1CPNJ01).
Verify that the information is correct.
Page down. The second Submit CODE-1 Plus Job screen (C1CPSB02) displays the fields filled in with default values. The record length defaults to whatever is required by your output definitions. All library fields default to the library being used for job objects and all member fields default as shown below.
Verify that the output files are correctly defined.
Because you do not want to produce a coded ZIP + 4 file, type N in the Produce Coded ZIP + 4 output file field.
Page down. The third Submit CODE-1 Plus Job screen (C1CPSB03) displays with the fields filled in with default values.
Verify that all of the output files are correctly defined.
Type Y in the Produce Invalid-ZIP output field.
Type Y in the Produce Uncoded output file field.
Type Y in the Produce Statistics output file field.
When you complete this screen as shown above, press page down twice.
The sixth Submit CODE-1 Plus Job screen (C1CPSB06) displays with several options for limiting the amount of input from a given input file. We want to restrict processing to only those records with ZIP Codes between 20000 and 39999
Type 20000 in the Low ZIP Code field.
Type 39999 in the High ZIP Code field.
To submit your job, press F6.
CODE-1 Plus processes the input file according to our job definition and writes the output data to the specified output files. The Define/Submit CODE-1 Plus Job screen (C1CPDS02) displays.
You have completed the sample job. Continue reading to see the output files and output reports. You may want to compare these with your own results.