Defining the City/State/ZIP Code Layout - Code-1_Plus - 5.0

CODE-1 Plus Guide for IBM i

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Data Quality - Postals
CODE-1 Plus
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CODE-1 Plus
CODE-1 Plus Guide for IBM i
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The city, state, and ZIP Code information in your sample input file is located in separate fields. You must specify the location, length, and format of each of these three data elements.

Looking at the table in Specifying the Input Name/Address File Layout, you can see that the city information is located in positions 87 to 106, the state information is located in positions 108 to 109, and the ZIP Code information is located in positions 111 to 115 in your sample input file. You will need to define all of this information for CODE-1 Plus.

  1. Start at the Address and ZIP Code Locations screen.

  2. First you need to define how the city, state, and ZIP Code information resides in your sample input file. In your file, the city, state, and ZIP Code are in three separate fields. Type S in the Location Method field under "Specify input file City/State/ZIP Code Location."

  3. Now, you need to tell CODE-1 Plus where the ZIP Code information is located in your input file. Looking at the table in Specifying the Input Name/Address File Layout, you see that this information starts in position 111. Type 111 in the ZIP Code Position field.

  4. In this next step, you need to tell CODE-1 Plus that your ZIP Code is in a 5-byte character format by using the code C. Type C in the ZIP Code Format field.

  5. Next, you need to tell CODE-1 Plus the location of your city information in the input file. Looking at the table in Specifying the Input Name/Address File Layout once again, you can see that the city information starts in position 87. Type 87 in the City or City/ST Position field.

  6. Now, you need to tell CODE-1 Plus the length of your city information. According to our table, the length of the city information is 20 characters. Type 20 in the City or City/ST Length field.

  7. Next, you need to tell CODE-1 Plus the location of your state information in your input file. Looking at the table in Specifying the Input Name/Address File Layout, you see that your state information starts in position 108. Type 108 in the Separate State Position field.

  8. Now, you need to tell CODE-1 Plus the length of your state information. According to our table, the length of the state information is 2 characters long. Type 2 in the Separate State Length field.