When running a job, CODE-1 Plus automatically generates two report files: PRNTXLG and PRNTRPT. These report files contain all of the CODE-1 Plus reports that were created as the result of a job execution, as follows.
PRNTXLG—contains only one report, the Execution Log Report. This report will always be printed.
PRNTRPT—contains up to 15 different reports (all of which are described in detail in Chapter 10). Four reports will be output to this file automatically:
Parameter Record List Report
Control Totals Report
Address-Match Execution Statistics Report
USPS Form 3553 (this will only be generated for jobs run with a valid CASS configuration)
The other reports that are located in this file are the reports you defined earlier in this tutorial. So, your sample job will produce the four reports listed above and the following report you chose:
Processing Summary by State Report
You will also generate the following output files:
Coded Output File—Look at the member called CODED in the file C1NAMTUTOR located in the library called DEMO. This is the output file of successfully coded addresses.
Uncoded Output File—Look at the member called UNCODED in the file C1NAMTUTOR located in the library called DEMO. This is the output file of unsuccessfully coded addresses.
Invalid ZIP Output File—Look at the member called INVZIP in the file C1NAMTUTOR located in the library called DEMO. This is the output file of unsuccessfully coded addresses.
The following pages show the output files generated by this sample job. Please see Chapter 14 for more information on CODE-1 Plus reports.
.Coded Output File, Positions 1 through 135
Coded Output File, Positions 136 through 274
Uncoded Output File
Uncoded Output File