Your second task is to define the headers and footers that will print on your reports. Your main header will be "Sample Job" and the current system date (*CURRENT). You will also add an additional header of "CODE-1 Plus Tutorial" and a footer line of "CODE-1 Plus User's Guide." You want all reports to be printed with 60 lines per page. To do this, follow the steps below:
Type 2 in the Opt field next to Defaults for Print Output, and press Enter.
The first Defaults for Print Output screen (C1CPPX01) displays.
Fill in the fields as shown below.
Note: 60 is the default page size for all reports. You may leave these fields blank if desired. -
Press F11 to define the additional header and the footer.
The second Defaults for Print Output screen (C1CPPX03) appears.
Fill in the header and footer as shown.
Press F12 to return to the first Defaults for Print Output screen.
The first Defaults for Print Output screen (C1CPPX01) appears.
Press F6 to save your Defaults for Print Output data.
The data is saved, and the C1CPOP10 screen appears, asking whether you want to save your data to an external file.
Press F12.
The Define/Submit CODE-1 Plus Job screen (C1CPDS02) displays.
You have now specified the headers and footer for your print output. Note that under "Last Activity," the date, time, and user reflects your current date, time, and user ID.