Interactive Customization Screens - Code-1_Plus - 5.0

CODE-1 Plus Guide for IBM i

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Data Quality - Postals
CODE-1 Plus
Product name
CODE-1 Plus
CODE-1 Plus Guide for IBM i
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Use the Interactive Customization screens to view, and optionally update, the site-specific values you choose for your system. You can access these screens by successfully entering the existing system password on the Administration Sign-on screen (accessed by the "ADMIN" command). Values on these screens are not updated unless F5 is pressed (or "Save" on the command line is selected), and the changed values are not validated until either the Enter key or "Save" are pressed.

Field Name


Initial Screen

Indicates Split or Full Screen display on entry to system

  • S — Split screen display

  • F — Full screen display

Expiration Warning

Display or suppress database warning

  • D — Display database warning

  • S — Suppress database warning


Firm Match Setting Value. Refer to the "Match Settings Screen" section earlier in this chapter for an explanation of these values.

  • T — Tight

  • M — Medium

  • L — Loose

  • E — Equal


Directional/Suffix Match Setting Value. Refer to the "Match Settings Screen" section earlier in this chapter for an explanation of these values.

  • T — Tight

  • M — Medium

  • L — Loose

  • E — Equal


Street Match Setting Value. Refer to the "Match Settings Screen" section earlier in this chapter for an explanation of these values.

  • T — Tight

  • M — Medium

  • L — Loose

  • E — Equal

Vanity City

Match Setting for Vanity Cities. Refer to the "Match Settings Screen" section earlier in this chapter for an explanation of these values.

  • X — Allow vanity city names in standardized output.

  • S — Only allow primary/secondary city names in standardized output.

Correct Input ZIP

Match Setting for ZIP correction. Refer to the "Match Settings Screen" section earlier in this chapter for an explanation of these values.

  • Y — Correct input ZIP Codes.

  • N — Do not correct input ZIP Codes.

Output Case

Returned address settings. Refer to the "Match Settings Screen" section earlier in this chapter for an explanation of these values.

  • C — Display matched address in mixed case.

  • L — Display matched address in lower case only.

  • U — Display matched address in upper case only.

Multiple Secondary

Match Setting for Multiple Secondary Components. Refer to "Match Settings Screen" section earlier in this chapter for an explanation of these values.

  • Y — Attempt secondary match.

  • N — Assign default ZIP+4 Code.

Preferred City Name

Match Setting for Preferred City Name. Refer to Override City Name in the table from the "Match Settings Screen" section earlier in this chapter for an explanation of these values.

  • C — Store the city name from USPS City/State File (default city name).

  • Z — Store the ZIP+4 File Preferred Last Line City Name (override city name).

Perform DPV Process

Here you can select whether or not you wish to perform DPV processing:

  • X — Perform DPV processing.

  • Blank — Do not perform DPV processing.

NOTE: This can also be selected by entering DPV on the command line of the Address Match screen.

Perform LTO Process

Here you can select whether or not you wish to perform Line of Travel Option (LOT) processing:

  • X — Perform LTO processing.

  • Blank — Do not perform LTO processing.

NOTE: This can also be selected by entering LTO or LOT  on the command line of the Address Match screen.

Perform RDI Process

Here you can select whether or not you wish to perform Residential Delivery File (RDI) processing:

  • X — Perform RDI processing.

Blank — Do not perform RDI processing.

NOTE: This can also be selected by entering RDI on the command line of the Address Match screen.

Initial Command

Command to be invoked upon entry of the system. Can be a combination of screen (CI, CS, CZ, or SZ) and locate commands separated by a semicolon. If 'FLIP' is entered, 'Initial Screen' is set to 'F'.

The following table describes the fields on the second Interactive Customization screen.

Field Name


Geographic Coding Available

Indicates whether Geographic Coding Plus is installed on the system or whether the legacy Geographic Coding System is installed.

  • N — Geographic Coding Plus is not installed on the system.

  • Y — Geographic Coding Plus is installed on the system.

  • L — Legacy Geographic Coding System is installed.

GEO Lat/Long Data source

Indicates which GEO file to use.

  • B — Use base master file.

  • A — Use advanced file.

  • F — Get finest granularity available on either base or advanced file.

Use GEO County

Indicates whether to return the Geographic Coding county on the CODE-1 Plus Match screen on a successful match.

  • Y — Use Geographic Coding county.

  • N — Use USPS county.

ZIP Match Centroid

Indicates centroid to return on a ZIP Code match.

  • C — Census tract centroid

  • Z — ZIP Centroid

Return Alias Base on Match

Indicates whether to change an alias street name displayed on a match to the base street name.

  • Y — Display base street name.

  • N — Retain alias street name.

Seed Violation Bypass

You can determine if the system should bypass any seed record violations during processing. To activate this option, enter "STOPBYPASS" on the command line of the admin function screen. Once you have entered "STOPBYPASS" on the command line, the following text will appear on that line: SEED STOP BYPASS IS ON. Enter "STOPBYPASS" to disable the option.

Note: NOTE: You will be required to have knowledge of the ADMIN password to access this process. If you enter "STOPBYPASS" on the command line on other screens you will receive an error message.

Custom Page Title

The interactive system page title (for all screens) can be customized using this option.

Use Navigation

The default setting for Intelligent Navigation can be set here.

  • Y — Navigation on.

  • N — Navigation off.

Enhanced/All Street Matching

Enhanced/All Street Matching Indicator

Preferred Alias Processing

Abbreviated Alias Processing Indicator

Abbreviated Alias Processing

Abbreviated Alias Processing Indicator

Return Transid

Indicates Transid to be invoked upon exit from system (CICS only)

TS Queue Utilization

Indicates whether Auxiliary or Main Storage is to be used for TS Queues (CICS only).

  • A — Auxiliary storage is to be used.

  • M — Main storage is to be used.

Definition of PFKEYS

The third and last customization screen allows you to define your program function keys (PFKEYS) to maintain any in-house standards for PFKEY usage within the CODE-1 Plus system.

Working within this third screen, you can change the assigned PFKEY of a certain function or the text associated with a particular PFKEY. For example, you can tab down to PFKEY 01 and change the text from "Help" to "Info."

Note: You cannot assign one PFKEY to have several functions. If you do, a message displays that "Key designation conflicts with a Multi-Screen Key." Any errors in defining PFKEYS displays in red when you hit the Enter key after making your changes.