There is one field that appears on every screen in the Interactive CODE-1 Plus System: the Command field. This field enables you to move gracefully through address match attempt results as well as database inquiry data. The following table lists all of the commands that you can enter in the Command field. In addition, the table lists alternate actions you can take to accomplish the same results as the command. For each command listed, the underlined portion is all that is required for entry (you can enter the entire command string, however).
Command |
Description |
Alternate Method |
General Commands |
Move to the bottom of the data. In the address match function, this command brings you to the Base Address/Dropped Information screen. In the database inquiry function this command repositions the list of data to the last entry. |
None. |
Move down one display of data. In the address match function this command moves you to the next match results screen. In the database inquiry function this command repositions the list of data down one display. NOTE: If the cursor is placed on a specific line, "DOWN" will result in that line appearing as the first displayed line on the screen. |
Press F8F8 with a number between 1 and 9998 on the command line will scroll down that number of lines. |
Allows you to override database expiration, so you can match interactively with an expired database. NOTE: You must use the "EXTEND" command each time an expired database is identified by the software initialization. |
None. |
Flip the screen from the combined functions to the zoomed database inquiry function or from the zoomed database inquiry function to the combined functions, whichever is appropriate. |
Press F10. |
Access the online help system. |
Press F1. |
Right |
Scroll right to see more of the firm/alias name on the Houses on a Street screen. |
None. |
LEft |
Scroll left to see first part of firm/alias name on the Houses on a Street screen. |
None. |
Exit from the Interactive CODE-1 Plus System. |
Press F3. |
Move to the top of the data. In the address match function this command brings you to the Return Code screen. In the database inquiry function, this command repositions the list of data to the first entry. |
None. |
UP |
Move up one display of data. In the address match function this command moves you to the previous match results screen. In the database inquiry function this command repositions the list of data up one display. NOTE: If the cursor is placed on a specific line, "UP" will result in that line appearing as the last displayed line on the screen. |
Press F7F7 with a number between 1 and 9998 on the command line will scroll up that number of lines. |
Customizing Interface Commands |
Go to the Administration Sign-on screen. Can be called from the split match/inquiry or full (flip) screens. |
None. |
Toggle navigation mode on and off. Positions inquiry screen as close as possible to the lowest level of match success on a non-matched address. |
None. |
Toggle DPV mode on and off. When turned on you will be able to do Delivery Point Validation processing. |
On the Interactive Customization Screen, you can enter blank or x under Perform DPV Process. |
Displays the Seed Code of the DPV seed record encountered which disabled DPV processing.You will need to be provide this Seed Code to Precisely before you can receive another permanent License Management key to continue your DPV processing. |
None. |
Initializes the customization area that contains the Seed Code. This does NOT inhibit DPV processing. |
None. |
Toggle LOT mode on and off. When turned on you will be able to do Line of Travel matching. |
Toggle LOT mode on and off. When turned on you will be able to do Line of Travel matching. |
Toggle RDI mode on and off. When turned on you will be able to do Residential Delivery File matching |
Database Inquiry Command |
AH <line number> |
Move to the Apartments at a House Range screen for the house range displayed on line <line number>. This command is only valid from the Houses on a Street screen. |
Type the desired line number in the Command field and press F4.orPosition your cursor on the desired line and press F4. |
ALIAS <line number> |
Display the base street name for the alias street listed on line <line number>. For the Apartments at a House Range screen and Firms on a Street screen only. |
Type the desired line number in the Command field and press F2.orPosition your cursor on the desired line and press F2. |
Return to the previous database inquiry level. (For example, if you were at the Streets in a City screen, this command would take you back to the Cities in the Database screen.) |
Press F6. |
CI <city> |
Go to the City Information screen. |
None. |
CS <state abr.> |
Go to the Cities in a State screen for the two character state abbreviation that is entered as <state abr.>. |
None. |
CZ <line number> or CZ <ZIP Code> |
Move to the Cities in a ZIP Code screen for the ZIP Code that is displayed on line <line number>. or Move to the Cities in a ZIP Code screen for the ZIP Code entered as <ZIP Code>. |
Type the desired line number in the Command field and press F5.orPosition your cursor on the desired line and press F5. |
DB |
Display the information for your database, including software release and the expiration date of your databases. |
None. |
FM <line number> |
Move to the Firms on a Street screen for the street name or house range displayed on line <line number>.This command is only valid from the Houses on a Street, or Apartments at a House Range screens. |
Type the desired line number in the Command field and press F5.orPosition your cursor on the desired line and press F5. |
HS <line number> |
Move to the Houses on a Street screen for the street name that is displayed on line<line number>.This command is only valid from the Streets in a City or Streets in a ZIP Code screens. |
Type the desired line number in the Command field and press F4.orPosition your cursor on the desired line and press F4. |
LOCATE <string> |
Generally positions the database inquiry to the first entry that starts with <string>. NOTE: If there are multiple cities with the same name, they will be listed by finance number, highest to lowest. |
None. |
Go to the address match function. (The match results screen that appears when you access the database inquiry function re-appears.) |
Press F9. |
SC <line number> |
Move to the Streets in a City screen for the city name that is displayed on line <line number>. This command is only valid from the Cities in the Database screen. |
Type the desired line number in the Command field and press F4.orPosition your cursor on the desired line and press F4. |
SL <line number> |
Display all streets in the city locality displayed on line <line number> on the Streets in a City screen. |
Type the desired line number in the Command field and press F4.orPosition your cursor on the desired line and press F4. |
SZ <line number> |
Move to the Streets in a ZIP Code screen for the ZIP Code that is displayed on line <line number>. This command is only valid from the Cities in a ZIP Code screen. |
Type the desired line number in the Command field and press F4.orPosition your cursor on the desired line and press F4. |
SZ <ZIP Code> |
Move to the Streets in a ZIP Code screen for the ZIP Code entered as <ZIP Code> |
None. |
ZC <line number> |
Display all ZIP Codes for the city locality displayed on line <line number> on the City Information and Cities in a State screens. |
Type the desired line number in the Command field and press F2.orPosition your cursor on the desired line and press F2. |
Address Match Commands |
Go to the database inquiry function. If you had previously used the database inquiry function during this session, the screen that appeared when you left the database inquiry function reappears. |
Press F9. |
AS |
Display address stack entries for the address you entered. |
None. |
Turn on or off All Street Matching function. |
DB |
Display current CODE-1 Plus database vintage and expiration date. |
None. |
Turn on or off Enhanced Street Matching function. |
None |
Invokes SuiteLink processing. |
None |
Invokes LACSLink processing. |
None |
Invoke Line of Travel processing. |
None |
RC |
Go to the Return Codes screen. |
None. |
DS |
Go to the Delivery Sequence Footnotes screen. |
None. |
PE |
Go to the Parsed Elements screen. |
None. |
ME |
Go to the Multiple Elements screen. |
None. |
ST |
Go to the Statistics screen. |
None. |
DI |
Go to the Miscellaneous Address Values screen. |
None. |
ER |
Go to the Expanded Return Codes screen. |
None. |
GC |
Go to the Geographic Coding Information screen. This command is only valid if you have Geographic Coding Plus installed. |
None. |
MS |
Go to the Match Settings screen, and unprotect the match control fields on the Address Match screen. |
Press F4. |
Clear all fields on all address match function screens. |
Press F5. |
Using Concatenated Commands
You can concatenate commands at the command line or the initial G1CP transaction in CICS. A combination of the primary screen commands CI, CS, CZ, or SZ; a locate command; and "FLIP" can be concatenated, or delimited by the semicolon (;) character. From a blank CICS screen, the following string would produce a full screen display positioned at "Baltimore" on a "cities in state" screen (with the state of Maryland):
This command is separated from the transid by a comma, and semicolons delimit the portions of the command string. From the command line on any split screen, the same result would be achieved by the following command:
If this command were entered on a full inquiry screen display, the final result would be a split screen (match and inquiry) display.