You can access the CI, CS, CZ, and SZ database inquiry screens from anywhere in the system by typing the screen's 2-character code in the Command field. Note that to access:
The Cities in a State screen, type CS followed by a 2-character state code in the Command field.
The Cities in a ZIP Code screen, type CZ followed by a 5-digit ZIP Code (or 2-digit line number if you are on Cities in a State or database screens).
The Streets in a ZIP Code screen, type SZ followed by a 5-digit ZIP Code (or 2-digit line number if you are on Cities in a ZIP Code screen).
You can scroll through data on a specific screen as shown in the figure below with the DOWN command or F8 or ROLL UP keys and the UP command or the F7 or ROLL DOWN keys.
Screen Order in CODE-1 Plus Interactive System