Use the Houses on a Street screen to view a listing of all of the house number ranges on a particular street. In addition to even/odd house number ranges, CODE-1 Plus displays ZIP and ZIP+4 Code ranges, carrier routes, and firm/alias name. To access this screen, enter the command HS <line number> (or press F4) from the Streets in a City or Streets in a ZIP Code screens.
Field Name |
Description |
LN |
The line number of the house range. |
House Range |
The house number range. |
E/O |
An E or an O indicating whether this is a range of only even- numbered or only odd-numbered houses. |
The ZIP Code for the houses in this range. |
Z+4 Range |
The range of ZIP+4 Codes that are valid for this house range. |
Rte |
The carrier or rural route number for the houses in this range. |
Typ |
The USPS record type for the ZIP+4 records in this house range. |
Firm/Alias Name |
Firm name or range street alias name. |