File Repair, Re-Initialization, and Password Display - Code-1_Plus - 5.0

CODE-1 Plus Guide for IBM i

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Data Quality - Postals
CODE-1 Plus
Product name
CODE-1 Plus
CODE-1 Plus Guide for IBM i
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If a backup copy of the customization file is not available and recovery is required, the following options exist using program G1CPDFL.

  1. The first option is to physically delete the file and re-run the initialization job, DEFCUSTM.

  2. A second option involves the same customization utility, but using job CUSTMUTL. In this case the utility can be used to repair the G1CPFDF file or display the encrypted password. This job performs the following tasks:

    1. If an error is detected on the open to the customization file, the program attempts to create the file.

    2. If the attempt is not successful, the program issues an error message and terminates.

    3. If the file is opened successfully, a read is attempted for the control record.

    4. If the read for the control record fails, the customization utility adds the control record to the file.

    5. If the read for the control record is successful, the customization utility searches for the admin (password) record.

    6. If the admin (password) record is found, the customization utility displays the encrypted password stored on the record.

    7. If the admin record is not found, the initial install password is written to the file.

If required, a decrypting of the password can be obtained by contacting Precisely Technical Support. The Technical Support Representative can use the 16-character hexadecimal representation of the password to provide you with the current text value of the password.