Now that there is an accurate address, enter it interactively and look at the match return codes. The first thing to do is change the matching algorithm settings to "tight" from the default of medium.
In the Command field, type MS and press Enter.
The Match Settings screen appears. Type T for each of the matching algorithms and press Enter. The Match Settings screen disappears, and the Firms in a Street screen appears again. A message appears at the bottom of the screen telling you that the settings were changed.
Type the correct address matching fields and press Enter.
CODE-1 Plus matches the address and shows the matched address.
To review the return codes for the match, in the Command field, type RC and press Enter.
The Return Codes screen appears. Scroll through to see the other match results screens. In the Command field, type DOWN or press F8.
The Delivery Sequence Footnotes screen displays, showing DSF codes that applied to this match attempt.
Continue to type DOWN in the Command field, or press F8.
The Parsed Elements screen appears.
Type DOWN in the Command field, or press F8.
The Multiple Elements screen appears.
Type DOWN in the Command field, or press F8.
The Statistics screen appears.
Type DOWN in the Command field, or press F8.
The Miscellaneous Address Values screen appears.
To exit from the Interactive System, type QUIT in the Command field or press F3.