Defining Line of Travel Locations - Code-1_Plus - 5.0

CODE-1 Plus Guide for IBM i

Product type
Product family
Data Quality - Postals
CODE-1 Plus
Product name
CODE-1 Plus
CODE-1 Plus Guide for IBM i
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Use the Line of Travel Storage screen to define the location and length of the Line of Travel information to store in your output file. To access the Line of Travel Storage screen.

  1. From the Name/Address Record Posting screen, page down to the Line of Travel Storage screen (C1CPOD100).

  2. Use the following table to complete the fields on the Line of Travel Storage screen.

    Field Name


    Location for LOT return code

    Optional. Enter a number from 1-9999 to define the location on the output record for the 1-byte LOT return code described below:

    • 9 — ZIP + 4 matched the LOT master file.

    • C — Call to LOT matcher failed.

    • D — Default coded. ZIP + 4 not found in the LOT master file.

    • F — Master file access failure.

    • V — Incompatible Master file.

    • Blank — ZIP Code and/or ZIP + 4 was neither numeric nor zeros.

    No default.

    Location for Line of Travel Code (numeric portion)

    Optional. Enter a number from 1-9999 to define the location on the output record for the 4-byte numeric portion of the Line of Travel Code. No default.

    Location for Line of Travel Code (alphabetic portion)

    Optional. Enter a number from 1-9999 to define the location on the output record for the 1-byte alphabetic USPS sequence code. No default.

    Location for Alternate sequence code (alphanumeric format)

    Optional. Enter a number from 1-9999 to define the location on the output record for the 2-byte alternate sequence code used for sortation purposes. No default.

    Location for Alternate sequence code (hexadecimal format)

    Optional. Enter a number from 1-9999 to define the location on the output record for the 1-byte alternate sequence code used for sortation purposes. No default.

    What should be stored if LOT Code is not available?

    Optional. Code indicating what should be stored in cases where a LOT code was not determined.

    • B — Store blanks.

    • X — Store nothing.

    • Blank — Default is B.