Use the Delivery Point Validation screen to define the location and length of the Delivery Point Validation (DPV) information to store in your output file. DPV Footnote Codes are 2-character, USPS-defined codes that represent the changes that were made to the input address during the matching process. Up to 10 of these codes can be stored by CODE-1 Plus for each record. Even if your address is not presented for DPV processing, CODE-1 Plus will return the footnote codes that pertain to the match to the ZIP + 4 database.
To access the Delivery Point Validation screen:
From the Name/Address Record Posting screen, page down to the Delivery Point Validation screen (C1CPOD110).
Use the following table to complete the fields on the Delivery Point Validation screen.
Field Name
DPV Confirmation Indicator
Optional. Enter a number from 1-9999 to define the location on the output record for the 1-character DPV Return Code:
N — No Delivery Point Validation.
Y — Delivery Point validated. Primary number valid and second number (when present) valid.
S — Valid primary number; but secondary number (primary for Rural Route) present and is not confirmed.
D — Valid primary number; input missing secondary number (primary Rural Route).
Blank — Address not presented to DPV table.
Optional. Enter a number from 1-9999 to define the location on the output record for the 1-character CMRA Flag. If the DPV confirmation indicator is Y, S, or D, CODE-1 Plus automatically begins a CMRA look-up.
Y — Yes, CMRA.
N — No, CMRA.
Blank — Not presented.
DPV False/Positive Flag
Optional. Enter a number from 1-9999 to define the location on the output record for the 1-character False/Positive Flag. If the DPV confirmation indicator is N, CODE-1 Plus automatically begins a false/positive look-up.
Y — False.
N — Not false.
Blank — Not presented.
NOTE: A Y indicates that you have hit a "seed record" in your processing.
DPV Footnote Codes
Optional. Enter a number from 1-9999 to define the location on the output record for a 20-character area to accommodate the 2-character DPV Footnote Codes:
AA — Input address matched to the ZIP+4 file.
A1 — Input address not matched to the ZIP+4 file.
BB — Input address matched to DPV (all components).
CC — Input address primary number matched to DPV but secondary number not match (present but not valid).
F1 — Input address is military; DPV bypassed.
G1 — Input address is general delivery; DPVbypassed.
M1 — Input address primary number missing.
M3 — Input address primary number invalid.
N1 — Input address primary number matched to DPV but high rise address missing secondary number.
P1 — Input address missing RR or HC Box number.
P3 — Input address missing PO, RR, or HC Box number.
PB — Input address is a P. O. Box Street Address (PBSA).
RR — Input address matched to CMRA.
R1 — Input address matched to CMRA but secondary number not present.
U1 — Input address is unique ZIP; DPVbypassed.
DPV No Statistics
Optional. Enter a number from 1-9999 to define the location on the output record for a 1-character code indicating the presence of statistics for this address. A "Y" indicates that the address is not a valid delivery address even though it has been validated by DPV.
Blank — Not presented.
Y — Found match to 'No Stat' DPV hash table.
N — No match found to "No stat" DPV hash table.
DPV Vacant Table Flag
Optional. Enter a number from 1-9999 to define the location on the output record for a 1-character code indicating the presence of a DPV vacant address.
Blank — Not presented.
Y — Vacant address.
N — Not vacant address.
Optional. Enter a number from 1-9999 to define the location on the output record for the 1-character PBSA flag indicating whether a PBSA was found:
Blank — Not presented.
Y — PBSA found.
N — No PBSA found.
No default.
RDI Residential Flag
Optional. Location on the output record for the 1-character RDI residential flag listed below:
Blank — Not attempted.
R — Yes, this address is a residential-only delivery point.
RDI Business Flag
Optional. Enter a number from 1-9999 to define the location on the output record for the 1-character RDI business flag.
Business flag option
Optional. Indicates whether to allow for a mixed return code during RDI processing.
Blank — Return B for all Business Delivery Points.
B — Yes, this address is a business-only delivery point.
M — Yes, this address is mixed residential and business delivery point.
Note: NOTE: You can only receive a business flag of M if you have enabled the business flag option under Allow M=Mixed Return Code.DPV Shut Down
Optional. Indicates whether to stop processing when DPV encounters a false-positive (seed record):
S — Shuts down CODE-1 Plus processing when a false-positive (seed record) is encountered.
W — Allows CODE-1 Plus to continue processing to completion of the entire job, generating form 3553.
Note: NOTE: CODE-1 Plus will output to the execution log the seed record information necessary to reactivate the DPV license. -