Defining Additional Standardized Address Locations - Code-1_Plus - 5.0

CODE-1 Plus Guide for IBM i

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Data Quality - Postals
CODE-1 Plus
Product name
CODE-1 Plus
CODE-1 Plus Guide for IBM i
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Use the Standardized Address Storage screen to define locations and lengths of additional standardized address information to store in your output file. To access the Standardized Address Storage screen:

  1. From the Name/Address Record Posting screen, page down to the Standardized Address Storage Options screen (C1CPOD050).

  2. Use the following table to complete the fields on the Standardized Address Storage Options screen.

    Field Name




    Location for Formatted PMB


    Number from 1-9999

    Optional. Enter a number from 1-9999 to define the location on the output record for the formatted Private Mail Box (PMB) when presented in a separately-defined input address line. No default.



    Number from 1-99

    Required if the location is specified in Posn field. Enter a number from 1-99 to define the length of the PMB information on the output record. No default.

    Required if the location is specified in position 8-12.

    Should Preferred Alias Processing be performed

    Y or N

    Required for CASS certification. Indicates if preferred alias processing should be performed:

    • Y — Perform preferred alias processing. A "Y" in this position is required to generate a USPS FORM 3553 report.

    • N — Do not perform preferred alias processing. "N" generates a non-CASS-certified configuration. The USPS FORM 3553 is not generated.

    • Blank — Default is N.

    Required for CASS certification

    Location for Preferred Alias Processing Return Code

    Number from 1-9999

    Enter a number from 1-9999 to define the location on the output record for the 1-byte Preferred Alias Processing Return Code described below:

    • Blank — No preferred alias processing attempted.

    • A — Input address matched to an alias (preferred alias processing is only attempted for base addresses).

    • N — Did not match to preferred alias.

    • Y — Matched to preferred alias.

    Should Abbreviated Alias Processing be performed

    Y or N

    Indicates if abbreviated alias processing should be performed:

    • Y — Perform abbreviated alias processing.

    • N — Do not perform abbreviated alias processing.

    • Blank — Default is N.

    Location for Abbreviated Alias Processing Return Code

    Number from 1-9999

    Location on the output record for the 1-byte abbreviated alias processing return code described below:

    Blank   No abbreviated alias processing attempted.

    B   Output address set to base address.

    L   Original standardized address length already <= max.

    N   Abbreviated alias not found for input address.

    Y   Abbreviated alias found for input address and used in output standardized address.

    Enhanced Alternate High Rise Match Storage Option

    A or B

    Optional. Code indicating whether the enhanced alternate high rise match should be returned:

    • B — Return Base Address.

    • A — Return Alternate Address.

    • Blank — Default is B.

    Note: NOTE: Selecting A will generate a non-CASS-certified configuration. No USPS FORM 3553 will be generated.

    Optional. Default is B

    Location for Seasonal Delivery Flags

    Number from 1-9999

    Enter a number from 1-9999 to define the location of the 12-byte code indicating when mail can be delivered to a specific ZIP Code described below:

    • Y — Mail can be delivered.

    • N — Mail cannot be delivered.

    Location for PreciselyID

    Number from 1-9999

    Enter a number from 1-9999 to define the location of the PreciselyID, a 12-byte unique identifier for the addressable location


    Location for PreciselyID Return Code

    Number from 1-9999

    Enter a number from 1-9999 to define the location of the single character identifying if a PreciselyID unique identifier was found for the address

    • Y — PreciselyID was found for the full address.

    • D — PreciselyID was found for the primary address (secondary information was dropped to find a match).

    • N — PreciselyID was not found

    • Blank — PreciselyID database was not queried.
