Use the Reformat Input Record screen (C1CPMI13) to reformat the components of your input records before the records are processed.
To access the Reformat Input Record screen:
From the Work With Jobs screen, use F12 to select the job for defining input. The Define/Submit CODE-1 Plus Job screen displays.
Select Reformat Input Record.
Use the following table to complete the fields on the Reformat Input Record screen.
Field Name
Source Field
Required. Enter 3-4 alphanumeric characters to specify the location in the work area of the information to be copied. Optionally, you can enter one of the following codes to copy one of the following types of generic information to the target location:
SPC — Spaces.
X00 — Binary zeros.
ZRO — Character zeros.
Blank — No default.
Required. Enter a number from 1-999 to specify the length of the information to be copied to the target location. No default.
Target Field
Required. Enter a number from 1-9999 to specify the location in the input array to which you want the source information copied. No default.