Use the SuiteLink Processing screen (C1CPID45) to define SuiteLink processing options.
To access the SuiteLink Processing screen:
From the Name/Address File Layout, page down to the SuiteLink Processing screen.
Use the following table to complete the fields on the SuiteLink Processing screen.
Specify Suite Link Process
SuiteLink Error Shutdown Indicator
Optional. Code indicating how to proceed if SuiteLink reports an error:
I — Ignore error and continue to attempt SuiteLink processing. CODE-1 Plus does not generate a USPS Form 3553 (USPS CASS Summary Report) if you specify the value "I".
S — Shutdown when SuiteLink reports an error (default). Specify the value "S" if you want to generate a USPS Form 3553 (USPS CASS Summary Report).
W — Issue warning message and turn off SuiteLink processing. CODE-1 Plus does not generate a USPS Form 3553 (USPS CASS Summary Report) if you specify the value "W".
blank — Default is S.
Location of SuiteLink Return Code
Optional. Location for SuiteLink return code. One of the following codes is stored:
A — Business name matched.
00 — Business name not matched.
Blank — No default.
Location of SuiteLink Match Code
Optional. Location for SuiteLink match code. One of the following codes is stored:
A — Matched.
B — Not matched.
C — Business name was all noise.
D — Highrise default record not found.
E — Database is expired.
Blank — No default.
Location of SuiteLink Fidelity Code
Optional. Location for SuiteLink match fidelity. One of the following codes is stored:
1 — Exact match.
2 — Acceptable match (one word not matched).
3 — Unacceptable match (more than one word not matched).
Blank — No default.
Note: You should ignore the Fidelity Code if the Match Code is not 'A'. The Fidelity Code is '0' if the Match Code is B (no match), C (business name consisted entirely of "noise" words), or D (9-digit zip not recognized as a high rise default).Memory Model
Optional. This option allows you to specify size of SuiteLink memory module.
P — Pico memory model (no files in memory).
U — Micro memory model (no files in memory, only indexes).
S — Small memory model (slkhdr, slknormal, slknoise in memory).
M — Medium memory model (slknine file also in memory).
L — Large memory model (lcd file also in memory).
H — Huge memory model (slk file also in memory).
Blank — Default is M.
Exclude Secondary from Output Address Line
Optional. Specify a code to indicate whether to call SuiteLink without appending the secondary information to the output address line. All other fields, ZIP + 4 value, DPC code, are determined using the secondary information returned by SuiteLink.
I — Include secondary information from SuiteLink on the output address line.
E — Exclude secondary information from SuiteLink from the output address line.
Blank — Defaults to I.
Exclude any Invalid/Extraneous Secondary Information from Output Address Line
Optional. Specify a code to include or exclude any invalid (extraneous) input secondary information.
I — Include the invalid input secondary information.
E — Exclude the invalid input secondary information.
Blank — Defaults to I.