Defining Address and ZIP Code Locations - Code-1_Plus - 5.0

CODE-1 Plus Guide for IBM i

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Data Quality - Postals
CODE-1 Plus
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CODE-1 Plus
CODE-1 Plus Guide for IBM i
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Use the Address and ZIP Code Locations screen (C1CPID10) to define the location of address elements in your input file.

To access the Address and ZIP Code Locations screen:

  1. From the Work With Jobs screen, use F12 to select the job for defining input. The Define/Submit CODE-1 Plus Job screen displays.

  2. Select Name/Address File Layout.

  3. Use the following table to complete the fields on the Address and ZIP Code Locations screen.



    Location of Street Address in Input File

    Location Method

    Required. Type one of the following codes to describe where the street address information is located in the input record.

    • F — Street address information is located in multiple fields. 2,3,4,5, or 6 fields.

    • L — Street address information is located in multiple address lines. 2,3,4,5, or 6 lines (with or without city and state).

    • M — Street address information is located in a single field. All street address elements are stored as a continuous string in a single fixed field.

    • blank — No default.


    Required. Enter a number from 1-9999 to specify the location in the input record where the street address information is found. As many as 6 address position fields may be defined. No default.

    • blank — No default.


    Required. Enter a number from 1-99 to specify the length(s) in the input record of the indicated address line(s).

    • blank — No default.

    Location of City/State/ZIP Code in Input File

    Location Method

    Required. Location of the City, state, and ZIP Code information is located in the input record.

    • A — City, state, and ZIP Code found in the address lines defined above. (The street address location method must be L.)

    • C — City and state found in the address lines defined above, and place the ZIP Code in a separately specified position. (The street address location method must be L.)

    • M — City and state are found in a single field, with the specified position and length. Place the ZIP Code in a separately specified position.

    • S — City, state, and ZIP Code are found in separately specified positions, with separately defined lengths.

    • X — City, state, and ZIP Code are found in a single field, with the position and length defined in the city or city/ST fields.

    • blank — No default.

    Note: NOTE: Options A and C are only valid here in conjunction with multiple line records. (L must be specified for the street address location method.)

    Location of ZIP Code in Input File


    Required if C, M, or S is specified as the ZIP Code location method. Enter a number from 1-9999 to specify the starting location in the input record of the ZIP Code, when the ZIP Code is to be located separately from the rest of the address. No default.


    Required if C, M, or S is specified as the ZIP Code location method. Specify the format of the input ZIP Code:

    • B — 3-byte binary format.

    • C — 5-byte EBCDIC character format.

    • P — 3-byte packed decimal format.

    • 9 — ZIP Code and ZIP + 4 Codes in a 4-byte binary format.

    • blank — No default.

    Location of City or City/State in Input File


    Required if your input records are in a format other than L (multiple lines). Enter a number from 1-9999 to specify the starting location in the input record of one of the following:

    • City (location method S).

    • City and state (location method M).

    • City, state, and ZIP Code (location method X).


    Required if your input records are in a format other than L (multiple lines). Enter a number from 1-99 to specify the length of city, state, and/or ZIP Code field in the input record.

    Location of Separate State in Input File


    Required if your input records are in a format other than L (multiple lines). Enter a number from 1-9999 to specify the starting location in the input record of the separate state:


    Required if your input records are in a format other than L (multiple lines). Enter a number from 1-99 to specify the length of the state in the input record.