Confirming Records with Confirmation Marks - Code-1_Plus - 5.0

CODE-1 Plus Guide for IBM i

Product type
Product family
Data Quality - Postals
CODE-1 Plus
Product name
CODE-1 Plus
CODE-1 Plus Guide for IBM i
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Confirmation marks are values in your input record that, if equal to the value(s) specified on this screen (or if not equal depending on your specifications), indicate to attempt no match against the USPS database. Instead, the record is automatically written to the output file. Using confirmation marks in your records allows you to automatically confirm records you know are correct, even though CODE-1 Plus does not match them.


For example, an insurance agency wants to mail solicitations to new homeowners. This agency has a standard mailing list and has also bought lists of addresses from several builders that have just finished new housing developments. Because the streets in these new developments are so new, the addresses have not yet been put on the USPS database.

The insurance agency merges these new lists with their standard mailing list, but first inserts confirmation marks in the records on the builders' lists. The records are confirmed, even though the addresses are not yet on the CODE-1 Plus database.

To define confirmation marks, on the Confirmation Options screen:

  1. Specify whether to define equal to (EQ) or not equal to (NE) confirmation values.

    For EQ confirmation values, if the value in the input record equals the confirmation value, the input record is confirmed automatically. For NE confirmation values, if the value in the input record does not equal the confirmation value, the input record is confirmed automatically.

  2. Specify the location for the confirmation return code on the output record.

  3. Press F10 to add your EQ/NE confirmation values.

    The Confirmation Compare Values screen (C1CPCF11) appears.

  4. To add confirmation values, press F10.

    The Confirmation Compare Values screen (C1CPCF20) appears.

  5. Enter the confirmation value to search for in the input record, the location on the input record of the value, and the length of the value.

  6. To save the information, press F6.

    The Confirmation Compare Values screen (C1CPCF11) appears with your new confirmation value. It appears as a CONFRM parameter record.

    To add another value, press F10. To edit the current value, press F4. To delete the current value, press F11.

    Note: You may specify up to 250 confirmation values to which the confirmation mark in the input records are compared. If a string of blank spaces is one of the confirmation values, it must be the first value.
  7. Once you define all the comparison values, at the Confirmation Compare Values screen (C1CPCF11), press F6.

To access the Confirmation Options/LACSLinkProcessing screen (C1CPID50):

  1. From the Name/Address File Layout, page down to the Confirmation Options/LACSLink Processing screen.

  2. Use the following table to complete the fields on the Confirmation Options/LACSLink Processing screen.



    Specify confirmation by class of ZIP Code

    Confirm APO/FPO ZIP Codes

    Optional. Code indicating whether to confirm APO/FPO ZIP Codes automatically. For each record "confirmed," no address matching is done. Confirmed records are automatically written to the output file.

    • Y — Confirm APO/FPO ZIP Codes.

    • N — Process APO/FPO ZIP Codes as normal records.

    • Blank — Default is N.

    Confirm Military Installation ZIP Codes

    Optional. Specify a code to indicate whether or not to confirm military base ZIP Codes automatically. For each record "confirmed," no address matching is done. Confirmed records are automatically written to the output file.

    • Y — Confirm military base ZIP Codes.

    • N — Process military base ZIP Codes as normal records.

    • Blank — Default is N.

    Confirm Government Agency ZIP Codes

    Optional. Specify a code to indicate whether or not to confirm government agency ZIP Codes automatically. For each record "confirmed," no address matching is done. Confirmed records are automatically written to the output file.

    • Y — Confirm government agency ZIP Codes.

    • N — Process government agency ZIP Codes as normal records.

    • Blank — Default is N.

    Specify input file confirmation mark comparison type

    Comparison Type

    Optional. Code indicating whether the confirmation flag in the records should be equal to or not equal to the confirmation value(s) on this screen. Type one of the following codes:

    • EQ — The confirmation flag in the record must be equal to any of the confirmation values on this screen for the record to be confirmed automatically.

    • NE — The confirmation flag in the record must not be equal to one of the confirmation values on this screen for the record to be confirmed automatically.

    • Blank — No default.

    Specify location for output confirmation code

    Location for output confirmation code

    Optional. Location in the output where CODE-1 Plus will store the code indicating whether or not the record was confirmed without processing, and if so, why. One of the following codes will be stored:

    • Blank — Not confirmed (record was address-matched).
    • A — Confirmed as an APO/FPO ZIP Code.
    • G — Confirmed as a government agency.
    • M — Confirmed as a military installation ZIP Code.
    • V — Confirmed by comparison to an input confirmation flag value.
    • Blank — No default.

    Specify LACS Link processing

    LACSLink Processing Type

    Required. Type of LACSLink processing to be performed:

    • Z — Perform the ZIP + 4 processing prior to LACSLink.

    • Blank — Default is blank.

    LACSLink Seed Record treatment

    Required. This option allows LACSLink to stop batch jobs when a false-positive (seed record) has been encountered.

    • S — Shut down CODE-1 Plus processing when a false-positive (seed record) is encountered.

    • W — Allow CODE-1 Plus to continue processing to completion of the entire job, generating USPS Form 3553.

    • Blank — Default is W.

    LACSLink Alternate Option

    Specify if you want to perform alternate LACSLink processing.

    • R — Perform LACSLink processing.

    • L — Invoke limited LACSLink subsystem processing. Provides the CODE-1 Plus non-LACS converted street address, city, and state data to the output standardized address and parsed elements fields.

    LACSLink Suppress 99 Return Code

    Specify whether to produce a "99" return code for LACS seed record processing.

    • Y — Do not produce "99" return code for LACS seed record processing.
    • N — LACS seed record processing results in "99" return code.
    Note: An "S" in "LACSLink Seed Record treatment" overrides this option.

    Memory Model

    Required. Specify the memory size of the LACSLink module.

    • P — Pico memory model (no files in memory).

    • U — Micro memory model (no files in memory, only indexes).

    • S — Small memory model (Rv9 expansion in memory).

    • M — Medium memory model.

    • L — Large memory model.

    • H — Huge memory model (all files in memory).

    • Blank — Default is M.