Some features are on the Run and Map tabs. Others are in the Options box.
Run tab settings
To lock a specified run setting so that it cannot be changed by a runner, click the padlock icon that is to the left. Settings that can be locked include the following:
- Sheet
- Start Row
- End Row
- Skip Indicator
Skip Indicator
Check the Skip Indicator box on the Run tab, and enter a symbol. Then enter that same symbol in fields that are empty in the data file. The indicator tells Studio not to upload the blank value from Excel and overwrite the data that is already in SAP.
To remove custom symbols, click Restore Defaults, which will change all Studio options back to their original settings.
Background Mode
To run the script in a separate instance of Excel, instead of running it inside Studio, check the Background Mode box.
Be sure to run in background mode if your data file contains unsupported elements, such as PivotTables or charts.
Display Settings Adjustment: Change the setting from the last selected to display in SAP. During the run, all calls get replayed, and fields remain disabled if the last selected setting is retained in the Chromium instance. This prevents data entry issues.
Auto Logon Credentials
You can use saved credentials to automate your SAP logon when you run the script.
On the Run tab, click Auto Logon Credentials, and then click the credentials you want to use.
This setting is useful if you do not want to type your logon information each time you run the script.
Save auto logon credentials
- Click Auto Logon Credentials, and then click Add New Auto Logon Credentials.
- In the SAP Logon box, click the Credentials tab.
- Choose your defined SAP Fiori® system, and then type your Launchpad Address, client number, user name, and password.
- Check the Save as auto logon credentials box, and type a name for the credentials in the Auto logon name box.
The credentials are saved in the wsSAPConnector.xml and LogonSettings.xml file, which is stored at C:\Users\<user name>\AppData\Roaming\Automate\Connector\11. If you connect to SAP from other computers, you can copy the file to them.
Run Error Rows and Unprocessed Rows in a single step
Check this box if you want Studio to run Error Rows and Unprocessed Rows in a single step.
Run Only Unprocessed Rows
Check this box to prevent Studio from processing records that have already been posted to SAP. When you set this option by checking the box, script runners will not be able to change the setting.
Handling Forbidden Error
If a Forbidden error appears during the run, modify the rule file by setting FioriConnectionTriggerChange and FioriIsEdgeBrowserForConnection to True.
Upload Delay (ms)
This setting on the Run tab delays the calls to SAP between transactions by the number of milliseconds you specify. You can use it when running scripts that require a delay for commit code processing.
For SAP Fiori® application scripts, use the local system date format. For Transactions, SAP GUI for HTML, and the SAP Easy Access menu, use the SAP profile date formatting matching the user's set format (example - dd.MM.yyyy).
Map tab settings
Append Time stamp
In the Mapper, click the Log field and then check this box in the mapping properties to add the time of the run to the end of every log message returned from SAP during a run. The time stamp appears in the current regional settings of the computer where Studio is installed. Studio does not add timestamps during data validation.
Options box settings
Excel Save options
The options for saving an Excel data file are in the Options box, on the Data tab (File > Options > Data).
Do not save: The data file is not saved automatically after the run has finished.
Save at end of run: Studio automatically saves the data file at the end of each run.
Save after [n] records: Studio automatically saves the data file after it runs the specified number records (the default value is 10). You can change the number of records in the box that appears after you click the option.