Some business processes require the user to run multiple SAP Fiori® script files as a group together when uploading data. If you are working with Evolve, you can send multiple files as a group for review and approval. The files are kept together as a unit throughout the review process.
Note: Multiple script submissions are supported only when the same type of scripts are
If you link scripts, the script files launch and execute in sequence.
- Multiple script submissions and linked script submissions can have only one data review process for all script files.
- Each script must have a unique name and description. If a file with the same name exists on the server, and if you are the creator of the file on the server, you can create a new version of the file. Otherwise, you must change the name of the new file that you are submitting. A file with the same name as another file cannot be embedded.
- Each script must include a sheet name.
- Linked script files cannot be included when multiple script files are sent for approval. If linked script files are sent, only the first script (the "base script") is recognized and added to the set of files.