Manage Attachments - Automate_Studio - Latest

Automate Studio with Evolve User Guide

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Automate > Automate Studio
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Automate Studio
Automate Studio with Evolve User Guide
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Manage Attachments is enabled only when a SAP Fiori® app is recorded with Attach document field mapped.

Attach a document

  1. Click New > Fiori App > Create Fiori App .
  2. Provide SAP Fiori® Launchpad site URL, corresponding User name, Password, SAP Client and chose Data Type as Excel.

  3. Click Create Script.

    A Popup window appears and Studio will autofill Username Password. After login, user will be able to see various apps.

  4. Open the app. Example, Business Partner App.

  5. Provide valid data, sufficient to create a valid Business partner.

  6. Click Attachments and wait for the attachment sections to load. Click Save.

  7. Close the window after recording.
  8. Click Add File Attachment Rows on the Map tab.
  9. Click Automap, save the excel and script files.

  10. Go to Run screen to attach file.
    1. Manage Attachments option is enabled. Click Manage Attachments.
    2. For multiple attachments in single app, provide semicolon separated path of attachment files. The separator is configurable. You can configure it by specifying the value in Run > Attachment/Notes Separator.
    3. Name of the field will end with technical type of attachment.
  11. If app has multiple attachment types supported and all are recorded in step 6 and 7, each type of attachment generates a new field to provide path of attachments. Similarly URL Description and URL Upload fields are generated for each attachment section recorded.

    You may choose the attachment type as File attachment or URL link.

  12. Click Run. The result of attachment upload will appear in Attachment log column as File attachment logs and URL link logs.

For information regarding adding and removing attached documents when an incorrect document has been attached to a data file, see Manage Supporting Documents.

Document types

  • PDF
  • TIFF
  • JPEG
  • PNG
  • DOC(X)
  • XLS(X)
  • TXT

Add other document types

You can customize which document types you can attach.

  1. Open the ShuttleRule.xml file (C:\Program Files (x86)\Precisely\AutomateStudio).
  2. Enter the MIME type for the document type that you want to add.

    For example, to add .mht files, enter the following:

    <TypeEntry MimeType="message/rfc822">




Maximum file size

The default maximum file size is set at 30 MB.

You can change the maximum file size in the Studio Options box.

  1. Click File, and then click Options.
  2. Click the SAP Settings tab.
  3. Under Advanced, in the Document attachment limit (MB) box, type the maximum size for attached documents.

Document attachment scenarios

Sales order and material processes in SAP often include the capability to attach and upload supporting documents along with the data upload. Depending on the SAP Fiori®, you might want to attach and upload the following types of documents:

  • Sales Order: Faxed orders, PDF files, invoices, POs, purchase requisitions
  • Material Master: Drawings
  • BOMs: Drawings
  • Customer: Credit reference, registration certificates
  • Vendor: Credit reference, registration certificates

A Runner can also attach the current file as an attachment with the data file by defining a <Use Current File> tag in the Attachment Location column of a Data file.Both <Use Current File> and <Supporting Doc> tags work with Manual. Each record must contain only one tag, and this tag must either be <Use Current File> or <Supporting Doc>.