As you move from Studio 10.x, 11.x, or 12.x with Connect to Studio 24.0 with Evolve/Studio Manager, please be aware that Studio with Connect includes behaviors and features that are not available in Studio 24.0 with Evolve/Studio Manager.
In addition, Studio 24.0 with Evolve/Studio Manager includes changes in the way
scripts work which necessitate modification of your existing scripts.
- ALFs and ALCs may not be used directly. They must first be saved on the Evolve/Studio Manager site.
- Local old/legacy ROI logs created are not synced. New ROI logs are synced.
- Application options created with 10.x version are not automatically available; they must be reconfigured.
- Published scripts may not be used. You must apply the submission process to embed scripts.
- Old/legacy macros and command line applications must be modified to work with Studio 24.0.
- Linked scripts using different destination types and different destinations are not supported.
- Scripts with password-protected data templates (with a password-protected workbook) cannot be submitted.
- Criteria padding is managed by an Evolve/Studio Manager site setting.
- Authorization fields are not managed on the Studio client.
- The operators < , < , <= , >= which have “Not” defined in the Query script will work without the "Not" having been defined.
- The number of document attachment modes has been increased; DMS , GOS, and BDS modes are now supported.
- GOS document attachments must be reconfigured. If you attempt to run scripts with a GOS document attachment created in 10.x or 11.x , you will receive an error message.
- Using the extended log column as a comment is not supported. If custom data is written in the column next to a mapped column, data is overwritten by the extended log.
- The If to verify text condition must be removed; it is not available.
- Google docs mapped scripts may not be used.
- To successfully run a solution with linked scripts created in 10.x, the linked scripts must be manually updated or run through the Automate Utility Kit.
- When running a solution with linked scripts created in 10.x that were either manually updated or run through Automate Utility Kit, the SAP log-on setting becomes All from individual. This will require you to provide SAP credentials on every script run in the chain.
- After moving linked scripts, to run them locally you must map the data template with the corresponding scripts.
- Use a Regex operator to update Transaction scripts created in 10.7 if they were created using wildcard characters (an asterisk, for example) within Allowed values for the In List operator.
- The Between Operator for Transaction scripts is "less than and greater than" in Studio 24.0, which necessitates changes. From Operators and To Operators behave as Between Operators.
- The script property Auto run the script when opened is not available in Studio 24.0. Scripts do not AutoRun when opened even if such a setting has been applied within the 10.x version.
- Convert to String is not available in Studio Manager/Evolve; it is no longer needed because data types are properly handled.
- WBD files cannot be consumed in Studio clients.
- Editor in 10.x for Transaction scripts is not available in Studio 24.0.
- The Skip Transaction if Empty property is not available in Studio 24.0.
- Write Field Expression in the Advance Run Options in Query 10.x is not available in Evolve/Studio Manager.
- For document attachment scripts, a separate File Attachment Log column is created in the mapper.
- The Error warning column in Transaction 10.x in the Advance Run Options for scripts mapped with Google Spreadsheet is not available in Studio 24.0.
- For linked scripts, the Background Mode option enabled on child scripts will not be respected when the linked script is run.
- Dynamic list dialog Query creation does not include radio buttons for an Excel/Text file. You must directly specify the file path.
- The Create for Template option is not available in Studio 24.0.
- Studio has a default set of delimiters; you can also add your own delimiters. If a script includes a delimiter not represented in the default set, that delimiter is automatically processed and added to the list for that script
- Use Simulate to complete a document validation. In Studio 11.x and above, validation is completed line by line on all items. In 10.x, validation was completed for documents only.
- In Studio 24.0, there is not an option to close the application after running a Query Script.
- In Studio versions 11.x and above, Runners are required to provide passwords as they open scripts.
- For XLSB, you cannot view the data in the data preview. And in Studio versions 11.x and above, runs are always in background mode and scripts mapped with the XLSB template cannot be submitted.
Server-side execution in Studio 24.0
In Studio 24.0, the following elements are not supported:
- Recurring schedules for Transaction scripts. Recurring schedules for Query scripts are supported, with a once daily maximum.
- Dynamic in-list operators for Transaction scripts.
- Scripts with Access data source/destination or text destination
- Scripts created with GUI scripting.
In Studio 24.0, the following macro components are removed from the data file after executing on the server:
- Cell comments
- Shapes
- Tables references in formulas
- Form controls such as buttons, check boxes, and list boxes
In Studio 24.0, linked scripts work with single data files only, and document attachment scripts created in previous versions will execute on the server only if you reconfigure them to use the latest tags.