Enterprise Portal (EP) logon provides a centralized, single point of entry for all users based on logon tickets.
EP logon
- On the Studio logon screen, click Advanced SAP Logon, and then click the Enterprise Portal tab.
- Select the SAP system you want to use.
- For credentials, click Credentials, SPNego, or Browser.
- In the Portal address box, type the enterprise portal address.
- Enter the client number, if the box is not already populated.
- Enter the language, if you want.
- To confirm the logon ticket information, click Show Ticket.
Use EP logon with the browser
You can use EP logon to enter your password in a browser window only when EP logon is customized for browser use.
EP logons can encounter ticket-fetching problems. To solve these problems, Automate offers four methods.
Start by trying method 1. If method 1 doesn’t work, try method 2, and so on.
Method 1: Use the Legacy Internet Explorer option to log on to the SAP portal
Legacy is the standard method for reading the logon ticket. It uses the session cookies to obtain the ticket.
Method 2: Use the Web View option to get the ticket from web browser events
If Microsoft Edge is not installed then the Web View radio button is disabled. Click Go. The EP Portal page will be rendered on browser. Logon to EP Logon and click Show to show MYSAPSSO2 ticket if browser gets this ticket.
Method 3: Use the Proxy Internet Explorer option
The Proxy method also depends on reading web events, but it gets the ticket through proxy servers. Depending on your setup, you might need to choose one of the options: Use as Proxy, Ignore Certificate Errors, or Use as Https.
Method 4: Use the Mozilla option
When you use the Mozilla option for the first time, Studio prompts you to download a configuration package and specify its location. On subsequent logons, Studio automatically selects the package from this location and logs on to the appropriate EP Portal.
Refer to SAP Note 2226409; it relevant information along with required SAP patches to be implemented.