Studio Upgrade Steps: Studio 11.x/12.1 to 20.x - Automate_Studio - 24.0

Automate Studio with Evolve Installation & Upgrade Guide

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Automate > Automate Studio
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Automate Studio
Automate Studio with Evolve Installation & Upgrade Guide
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To Upgrade Studio 11.x/12.1 to 20.x follow the steps given below:

  1. Plan your Studio upgrade
    You must review the Studio documentation before you upgrade.
    • Evaluate System Requirements and supported SAP and Microsoft products
    • Studio Release Notes
    • Studio with Automate Studio Administrator User Guide
    • Studio with Evolve User Guide
    • Automate Function Module
    For more information, see knowledge base articles
  2. Upgrade to AFM and Studio
    • Upgrade to AFM
      1. Contact your Precisely Customer Support team for AFM 20.x download links. For more information, see AFM Compatibility Matrix.
      2. Upgrade to AFM 20.x with the help of SAP Basis team. For more information, see AFM Installation and Upgrade.
    • Upgrade to Studio
      1. Contact your Precisely Customer Support team for Studio 20.x download links. Upgrade to Studio 20.x with the help of Developers or IT Application Support.
      2. Right-click automate-studio-xx.xx-xxxxxx.exe (in your file, the x's will be the version number and the build number) and click Run as administrator.
      3. In the InstallShield Wizard, it will ask for confirmation of upgrade process. Click Yes.
      4. The wizard will show the message Ready for upgrade Automate Studio. Click Next.
      5. Select I have read the entire Autoamte EULA as provided or referenced, and I accept the terms of the license agreement and click Next.
      6. When the wizard shows, Upgrade Complete, select checkbox Yes, I want to launch Automate Studio now. to launch immediately.
      7. Click Finish.

        Automate Studio upgradation is complete.

  3. Test your scripts

    Studio upgrade testing steps to perform regression/UAT testing.

    1. Review the Studio Release Notes and Changes to Studio Scripts and Features for limitations and script behavior changes to Studio.
    2. Implement any necessary updates and script modifications.
    3. Verify that existing scripts and newly recorded work in the Studio client and in the Add-Ins.
    4. Check errors and compare to the baseline.
    5. Check usage reports in Evolve and validate run details, including the number of records posted and retrieved.
    6. Go to SAP and confirm the accuracy of the posted and retrieved data.
    7. Verify other application features if they are in use, as follows: In Transaction scripts, verify for example, the Validate, Scheduling, If condition, Loops, and Linked scripts features. In Query scripts, verify for example, the Number of entries, Criteria applied, Linked Scripts, and Preview Run features.
  4. Train your developers

    Train your Users Personas (Developers and Runners) on Studio 20.x.

  5. Troubleshoot your issues

    Studio upgrade troubleshooting steps to resolve any issues refering to the troubleshooting steps.

    If a script does not run successfully, review Changes to Studio Scripts and Features to determine if your script must be modified to work in Studio 20.x. You can follow the steps below. (If you are a Runner, you can work with a colleague to complete these steps.)
    1. Use Save As to save the legacy script.
    2. Run the script using data for all known scenarios. If it completes successfully, the process for that script is finished. If you receive an error, go to Step c.
    3. To ensure accuracy as you recreate the If Conditions and Loops, either take a screenshot of the Expert Tab in the Mapper or use the Print option in the Mapper to record the information.
    4. Delete the If Conditions and/or Loops.
    5. Recreate the If Conditions and Loops, using the screenshot or printed page to ensure accuracy.
    6. Run the new script and if it runs successfully, the process for that script is complete. If you receive an error or errors, and are unable to resolve it via information in our searchable Support knowledge base, contact us at Precisely Support.