When you click Options on the File tab, you see options for Transaction, Query or both, depending on the licenses that you have.
To return all options to their original settings, click Restore Defaults.
It can be unclear whether or not an RFC trace file has been generated. If it has been generated, it's location can be unknown. To address this issue, see RFC Trace Files.
Click Locations to change the default locations for storing data files, script files, log and trace files, and data dictionary files.
Data Settings
Click Data Settings to change settings for the data files that use your script. You can configure the number of scripts you want to view under Recent Scripts, and the number of records you want to view under Show preview records.
Data settings
Default skip field indicator (Transaction only): Choose a symbol from the list or type the symbol that you want to use in fields that contain no data. The indicator tells Studio not to upload the blank value from Excel and overwrite the data that is already in SAP.
Default number of records to download (Query only): Type a number or type ALL.
Override regional settings for dates: Check this box, and then click the list and choose a date format to use instead of the format specified in the Windows settings.
Data files
Save Data File: Choose the default instruction for saving the data file: Do not save, Save at end of run, or Save after [n] records (Transaction only).
The Save Data File settings apply to single scripts only. They do not apply to chained scripts.
View preferences
Show recent scripts: Choose the number of scripts from the drop-down list (5, 10, or 15).
Data read preferences
Warn if data download overwrites existing data (Query only): Check this box to ensure a Query run does not overwrite existing values in your data file.
As stored/As displayed: (Transaction only): As displayed will save only the data that appears in the data file based on the formatting of the field. As stored will upload the raw data. For long text or long strings, choose As stored.
Trim leading spaces (Transaction only): Check this box to remove spaces before the data in a field before uploading it into your SAP system.
Trim trailing spaces (Transaction only): Check this box to remove spaces after the data in a field before uploading it into your SAP system.
Excel settings
Log Column: Click First column or Last column to specify where Studio will return error messages by default.
Start row for downloads (Query only): The default row is 2.
Enable Auto Map after recording: Check this box to run Auto Map after a recording, before opening the Mapper.
Enable Excel Add-in: Check this box to ensure that the Runner add-in appears in Excel.
Stop the run after [n] empty rows (Transaction only): When Transaction finds the specified number of consecutive empty rows, the script will stop running.
Auto Synchronization Mapping
Default Options: Choose how Studio adjusts the mapping when you drag fields from the Excel preview to the Mapper. Replace maps the new field to the column. Insert Before places the new field before the selected field and shifts all fields to the right. Preserve keeps the original field mapping and adds the new field to that same column.
You can override these default settings in the Mapper's Value drop-down menu.
Excel headers
To avoid overwriting custom formatting, check either or all of the boxes below.
Do not write header item and line item headers: Check this box to prevent Journal Entry Management from writing headers in the Excel worksheet where the solution is published.
Do not write log item headers: Check this box to prevent Journal Entry from writing log column headers.
Preserve header formatting: Check this box to retain any custom cell or column formatting when you write headers.
SAP Settings
Specify how you want SAP to work when you access data by using Studio.
Logon file: Click Browse and navigate to the .ini file, and then click Open. If the location is not specific, Studio will look for a location based on the environment and default settings.
SNC Library: For 64-bit systems, click Browse and locate your single sign-on configuration file. This setting is not available for 32-bit systems.
SAP logon
Stay logged on for the entire session: Check the box to stay logged on to SAP for an entire Studio session.
Default logon language: Type the code for the language that you want Studio to use when logging on to SAP. The default is EN, which stands for English.
Recording settings
Default recording mode (Transaction only): Select the mode to use for recording most SAP transactions. When you begin to record a transaction, the available recording mode options depend on whether the SAP system you use has Automate Function Module.
Retrieve field type information: Check this box to include the field type for named fields or tables in the Mapper. For example, BDC_CURSOR and BDC_OKCODE do not have field types, so no field type is displayed.
Field types are displayed in all recording modes—Non-Batch with controls, Non-Batch without controls, Batch mode, and GUI Scripting. When GUI Scripting is used, field types are fetched only when the field can be translated as a non-batch or batch mode format—and when a field name exists.
Allow runs using Virsa FireFighter or GRC (Transaction only): Select this check box to allow GUI scripting transactions in an SAP GUI session that was launched through Virsa Firefighter. Clear this option if you do not want to attach to any open SAP GUI sessions that were already launched through Virsa Firefighter. See Using Transaction with Virsa Firefighter for more information.
Allow multithreaded GUI scripting (Transaction only): If the GuiXT component is present on your SAP system, SAP might attempt a COM object call, and the script might hang after a run or fail to record properly. To prevent this, before you record and run your script, select Allow multithreaded GUI scripting.
Show long messages while running in debug mode (Transaction only): Select this check box to display descriptive messages while you run your transaction script in Debug mode.
Enable Adaptive Query Throttling (Query only): Turn on Adaptive Query Throttling to ensure that the query run does not overload the SAP system.
Query run time-out (in seconds) (Query only): Specify the amount a maximum amount of time between the start of the run and the download of the results. If Query is not able to return the results within that time frame, the Query will automatically be canceled.
Logs & Errors
When you run a script, Studio provides information about the run. Here, you can specify how you want that information to appear.
Error identification
Error prefixes (Transaction only): Click this option to begin each error message with the text that you enter in the Errors and Corrected errors boxes.
Error highlighting (Transaction only): Click this option to highlight each error with the color you choose in the Errors and Corrected errors boxes.
Include in log message header
(Transaction only)
Select each item that you want to appear in the header of the Log column.
Error management
Stop the run after [n] errors (Transaction only): Transaction will stop the run when it finds the number of errors entered in this box.
The trace tools generate files that the Support team can use to help to find the root cause of problems you might experience with Studio. In the Studio Options box, you can select which trace to turn on. After you run the script, turn the trace off.
The trace files are stored in the Log folder. The default location is C:\Users\<user name>\Documents\Automate\Studio\Log.
Proxy & Email
Depending on your firewall and email policies, your organization may choose to route email through the internal email server, instead of through the Automate default email server.
Proxy settings
If your organization uses a proxy server, contact your system administrator for the correct settings.
Email notification
Use your organization's Exchange mail server to send email notifications: Check this box to route email through an internal email server, and then enter the following information:
- Microsoft Exchange server: Type the Microsoft Exchange server name for the internal account.
- Server port: Type the port number. Your IT department can confirm the port number for your organization. The default the server port number for Studio is 25.
- From email address: Type the Exchange Server email address from which the message should be sent.
- Maximum attachment size (MB): Type the maximum attachment size, which should not exceed the size allowed on Exchange Server.
Authorization Fields
The Authorization Fields table applies only to runs on SAP systems that do not have the Automate Function Module installed.
On this screen, you can see which fields you are authorized to use for queries. You can add or remove objects from the default list.
- Add New Authorization Object: Click to open the Add New Authorization Object box, where you can specify the table, object, and field, as well as provide descriptive text.
- Edit: Click to open the Edit Authorization Object box, where you can change existing authorizations.
- Delete: Click to delete the authorization object.Important: If you have restrictions in SAP for any of the listed objects, the data that is downloaded by the query will reflect those restrictions.
Click Evolve to change your default server locations for storing Solutions.
Production Server Warning
Add: Click to add a server to the Production Server List.
Delete: Click to delete the selected server from the Production Server List.
Enable warning: Click to turn on the production server warning. This will alert users whenever they start to run a script on server that is in the Production Server List.
SAP Systems
In the SAP system/credentials drop-down menu, the systems that are already defined on the Evolve site have a globe and key icon. Choose the system that you want, and then enter your credentials.
The credentials will be saved to Evolve, and you can use them for auto logon.
If you have administrator rights on Evolve, you can also use these options to define a system on Evolve. Click a system that has a key icon, or click Custom, and then enter the system details.
- On the Add custom SAP system to Evolve select from
- Group Logon
- Application Server
- Non-RFC
Fiori – log on type as User Credentials and Browser Based
SAP Easy Access
- Connection Name – Name you are assigning to this SAP connection
- System ID – SAP System ID
- Client - Client ID (this should be 3 digits)
- Server Type – Select Production or Non-Production
- Description – Description of the SAP Server
- Click Add. Success message is displayed.
Click OK