GUI scripting and Windows scripting - Automate_Studio - 24.0

Automate Studio with Evolve Installation & Upgrade Guide

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Automate > Automate Studio
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Automate Studio
Automate Studio with Evolve Installation & Upgrade Guide
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If your business process requires GUI scripting, GUI scripting must be turned on – both on your local computer and on the server. Contact your Automate administrator for more information.

If you are the Automate administrator, here are the instructions for turning on GUI scripting.

Enable Scripting on the Server Side

SAP GUI scripting is turned off by default on SAP systems. To enable scripting, a Basis administrator must enable the parameter RZ11 and users must enable GUI scripting in their SAP GUI.

Both scripting support and the SAP GUI Logon pad are installed by default when the Windows SAP GUI client is installed. If they have not been installed, reinstall the SAP GUI.

Enable the RZ11 Parameter

  1. In SAP GUI, go to transaction RZ11.
  2. From Maintain profile parameter, in the Name box, type sapgui/user_scripting, and then click Display.
  3. From Display Profile Parameter Attributes, Click Change Value.
  4. In the New value box, type TRUE, and then click Save.

Enable Scripting in SAP GUI

  1. Click Customize, and then click Options.
  2. In the SAP GUI options dialog box, click Scripting, and then select Enable Scripting.
  3. Click OK.

Windows Scripting

With Windows scripting, which is enabled through GUI scripting, Studio Transaction records the Windows file selector dialog box in transactions that allow files to be attached. The file path is Windows_Dialog_file with the default value as untitled. Transaction sees only the dialog box; the name is added from the corresponding field in the Excel file.

A file name field is always recorded in the Mapper, whether a file was chosen in the dialog box or not. If you don't want to upload a file, disable the dialog box fields.

If you want to upload a file, map the file-location field to an Excel column. When you run the script, the field must be mapped to the Excel column you want in the Mapper. Transaction selects the file from the specified location and creates the attachment.


  1. Windows scripting works only with GUI scripting.
  2. The file is not attached if the button click that creates the attachment is not recorded by Transaction and SAP.
  3. The dialog box is recorded even if you click Cancel. You must disable the Windows dialog box control that was recorded in the Transaction script.
  4. Ensure that you close other instances of SAP.