Transaction ROI View - Automate_Studio_Manager - Latest

Automate Studio Manager Guide

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Automate > Automate Studio Manager
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Automate Studio Manager
Automate Studio Manager Guide
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This SQL View provides details for ROI generated upon running Transaction scripts.

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Field Name DB Type Type Nullable Description
Id uniqueidentifier Guid 0 Unique ID for this table /view
LogId uniqueidentifier Guid 0 Id of ROI log. ID is created for each entry in the log
TxrTitle nvarchar String 0 Name of the transaction script file
DataFile nvarchar String 0 Name of the data file file
ActivityDateTime datetime DateTime 0 Date of Run
SAPSystem nvarchar String 0 SAP system ID
SAPUSer nvarchar String 0 Runner SAP user
SAPClient nvarchar String 0 SAP client number
RecordsUploaded int Int32 0 no. of records uploaded
RunErrors int Int32 0 no. of errors in run
UploadTime datetime DateTime 0 Date of upload. This is same as Activity time
ReasonForRun nvarchar String 0 Reason for run
ManualUploadTime nvarchar String 0 Time required to upload each record manually via sap
ShuttleUploadTime nvarchar String 0 Time required to upload each record via Studio.
TimeSaved nvarchar String 0 ManualUploadTime - ShuttleUploadtime
TotalTimeSaved nvarchar String 0 (manual - shuttle time) * number of records
RecordingMode nvarchar String 0 Mode selected while recording the script. For example, batch, non batch.
SAPTCode nvarchar String 0 T-code
RunfailReason nvarchar String 0 Reason for failure.
RunTime nvarchar String 0 Total time for run (shuttle time * number of records)
Username nvarchar String 0 User name of Runner user
CustomerId uniqueidentifier Guid 0 Connect customer ID
CustomerName nvarchar String 0 Connect customer name
CRMCustomerId nvarchar String 0 Connect CRM customer ID
Product nvarchar String 0 Transaction/Query. In this case transaction.
ClientProduct nvarchar String 0 Studio/Integration Server. Here Integration Server means run by Worker
ProductVersion nvarchar String 0 Version of Studio/Integration Server (Worker) eg. 20.0
License nvarchar String 0 License used for run
CRMLicenseId nvarchar String 0 Connect CRM license ID
RunType nvarchar String 0 server/manual
ReferenceId uniqueidentifier Guid 0 ID of app in which transaction was run
IsLogSync bit Boolean 0 Indicated if log have been synced to connect
TransactionLogId int Int32 0 Unique log ID. This ID is sequential for maintaining the order of logs.
ProductName nvarchar String 0 Product name of license used for run
UserId uniqueidentifier Guid 0 ID of Runner user
AppId uniqueidentifier Guid 0 ID of app in which transaction was run